chapter four;

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As I awaited for the older man to refrain from his work, I did as I asked and I laid across the memory foam mattress, my legs cross whilst propped in the air as I tried my best to get shades of red in between the bold lines the were pinched together in a tight space. Air was flowing out of the abyss of my mouth, creating a high pitched noise; Harry probably finding it quite tedious.

"Would you like me to play some music?" Harry interrupted my whistling with his question that had a small chuckle afterwards which I couldn't tell whether or not he was amused or annoyed. Probably knowing the fact that I am literally the most irritating piece of scum on the face of the earth, it was an annoyed one.

"Yes please!" My lips have formed into a wide smile, revealing most of my teeth.

I don't know how or why I got so used to Harry so quickly because I've known Louis longer than I've known this man and I don't even smile for him. Insecure was the finest word I could use to describe the way I felt about my smile. Ops, did I say my smile? I meant my entire life! But my smile used to be the reason I got pushed into lockers in middle school, so I really hate it. Junior year in high school I got braces which came off in senior year so it's better now but the same amount of insecure tendencies floats inside of the walls of my mouth. 

"What would you like to listen to?" 

I looked over to Harry's laptop to see that he had Spotify pulled up; probably pulled it up when I got lost in my thoughts about these rat toe nails that I have in my mouth. "Trey Songz's new album!" My voice sounded more excited than Louis when ever he was able to land some sap to insert their shaft into that lonely, and probably full of cobwebs, hole of his. God, I love making fun of that twink.

"Sure thing, baby boy." Harry cooed. The nickname caused my face to flush into a dark red shade. What the actual fuck; how did this man already have such a hold on me? 

After hearing a few clicks coming from Harry's computer, I heard the familiar words from the intro track of the album.

Aye this for you baby!

You know who I'm talking to.

This your favorite song, when they put it on

Girl I know you know it's all about you.

I ain't sayin' no name, but you know what I'm sayin'

I can tell it by the way that you move.

Callin' all the cuties on the floor right now,

It's a lot of booty on the floor right now,

Take her to the bus, we can go right now, we can roll right now, right now.

It's some pretty titties on the bus right now,

Tell the hotel we pullin' up right now,

Elevator up, take a ride right now, baby ride right now right now.

A smile formed on my lip as the heavenly voice made it's way through my ears, causing me to drop the red crayon in my hand and stand on my knees on the bed and start dancing. My back began to slightly twist along to the beat before the older man changed the song to the next one on the album. Slow Motion

"Hey! I was listening to that!" I whine softly before hunching back down on the bed, sitting Indian style with my back poking out slightly. "Meany." I add with my lip poking out of place while my eyes made a sorrowful glare at the man who looked quite shocked at my words and was now on his way to the bed.

"Princess, that's no way to talk to Daddy." His tone was quite serious with a hint of sadness in it, and to say that it made my heart quiver in sadness was a complete understatement. It felt like it was a brand new iPhone 6 that had been dropped from a a three story building; absolutely shattered. Okay, Niall. Fucking chill. You literally can't be this head over heals for this man, can you?

My thoughts were interrupted by Harry's body deepening the mattress, causing me to forcefully slide closer to him due to how light I was. His arms were open and I kindly obliged to he offer, making my way to his chest, and burying myself in his embrace, letting out a soft huff in his chest. "But I liked that song." I pout softly, while butterflies traveled through every part of my body-- even my fucking forehead-- due to how warm I felt in the older's arms.

"Yeah, well no matter the circumstance, you don't talk to Daddy that way baby boy." His voice was stern, but his arms were around my waist and clenched tightly, causing me to let out a soft squeal which were probably his intentions. Damn this man. "And anyways, I like this song and Daddy would rather see you dance to this song."

My body bashed away from his and looked up at his in excitement, "Really, Daddy? I love dancing!" I wasn't So You Think You Can Dance worthy, but boy when I tell you my hips look sexy as fuck when they're rolling, I am not lying. 

"Yes really, Princess." The man replied with a half hearted chuckle. "Go start the song over, little one." 

I did as I was told by crawling off the bed and rushing towards his laptop and clicking on the Previous button on Spotify, causing the song to start over to have the melodic tune of the guitar travel through my ears. 

I began to slowly walk with the pace of the beat in a small circle, while my left hand was twirling the hem of the sweater, and the right running through the softness of my artificial colored hair, making my way towards Harry, but teasing him by not fulling walking in his direction, turning when the words began to be sung.

I know you got all dressed up for the club,

Waiting on a n**** to come and pick you up.

My body was still swaying along with the beat in a teasing motion to the music, and my lips softly hummed to the next lyrics.

Baby, oooooh,  when I saw you walking out the door

oooooh, I just knew you needed something more.

When a soft beat dropped came up my back lunged down, causing my arse to poke out as I 'dropped' to the floor, the quickly plunging back up when the beat began to quicken once more. 

Now we'll be straight back to the crib,

Finna give you something that you won't forget

As much as I know I shouldn't, I began to bounce my bum to the clapping beat that was coming from the song, causing Harry's mouth to become agape whilst his eyes were completely glued on my ass, watching the way it moved. 

Baby, ooooooh, I just wanna get you out them clothes

Oooooooh, I just wanna see you dance in slow motion.

My body was about to slow down with the beat, like it usually does when I listened to this song, but I felt a pair of arms scoop me up, and gently lay me down on the bed. Fuck Harry. 

His body was now hovering over mine, our faces only centimeters apart whilst our lips barely touching, and the man spoke. "You've turned Daddy on Princess, now he's going to fuck you real nice."






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