Killer Senses

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    Sighing, I drove out of the McDonald's drive thru lane. "God Jack... You're such a prick." I grumbled as I pulled out onto the busy road. It's true, he really is. And a freak. Coming home really late, then practically ordering me to go out and get food. It's one in the morning for Gods sake! He so weird, I just don't know if I can take it anymore... What the hell am I saying? We've been best buds since like second grade. Now that I've graduated from university, and he's done...whatever, I can say I've known him my entire life. 

As thoughts of our countless adventures filled my head, I hadn't realized I made it home already. I parked in the driveway, and climbed out of my car, grabbing the bag of food from the passengers seat before shutting the door. To tired to even consider locking the car's doors I headed to the front door and fished my keys out from my front pocket. I struggled to find the opening of the lock while standing in the dark, but I finally jammed the key into the slot and turned it, hearing a successful click of the mechanism. Opening the door and entering my home, I tossed the keys onto the small table by the door. 

I walked through the small hallway ahead and into the dark living room, and by dark I mean melancholy and gloomy. The carpet was a dark blue, and the couch a black leather. The walls were painted a dreary shade of grey, and the curtains were an unappealing teal-ish grey. Then the random red pillows on the couch didn't help in brightening up the room much. why did I let Jack decorate the living room again? 

I shook my head and walked over to the lamp on the side table next to the couch, switching it on I saw Jack sitting there. I jumped in surprise, for that was a sight I wasn't prepared for. He was crouching on the couch, leaning forward against his legs, his hands resting on his knees. Actually, he sat much like the character L from Death Note... Weird. His head snapped to look over to me in one quick movement. "Oh. Hello, Sebastian." He said, scanning me with his dark eyes. I shuddered. His eyes quickly flew down to the bag of food in my hand. I looked down at it too, then threw it towards him. "There, go ahead and eat." I grumbled and hesitantly went to sit on the other side of the couch. 

My burger sat in my lap, a few bites taken from it. I looked over to Jack, who sat in the same position as before. He stared straight ahead, no emotion present on his face like always. His seemingly black orbs were dull, focused. They didn't falter from the spot on the wall. He reached down without looking and pulled another fry from the bag. He took a single bite before speaking. 

"I killed a man."

I practically choked on the burger. "WHAT?!" I exclaimed in question. Complete and utter shock took over my features. He said it so nonchalantly, he had to be joking, right? I starred at him with wide, and slightly scared eyes. He looked to me, his eyes immediately meeting mine. 

"I stabbed him 22 times in the chest." 

"J-Jack! Th-That... That kills people!" 

"I know this, Sebastian." 

"But you don't just go around stabbing and murdering people!" I hissed, afraid the neighbors might hear my yelling. Jack sighed. 

"He started it. He called me 'A Freak'."

"Seriously man!?" Fear began to show in my eyes as I ran a hand through my hair. 

"Yes. What's the problem?" 

"I thought we were done with this man." I growled, no longer frightened to look into the deep onyx orbs called Jack's eyes. 

"What ever do you mean?" He asked, cocking his head to the side a bit. 

"You know damn well what I mean! That woman in Baltimore, then the old man in Boston!" Venom laced my words, though the man next to me only seemed to perk up. 

"Oh! Don't forget the man in Harrisburg!" Jack chimed, his features lighting up. 

I simply groaned and shook my head. "Jack! That isn't the point! You promised you'd stop killing people! That's why I can never take you anywhere..." I grumbled the last part and climbed to my feet. 

"Where's the body?" I sighed, wishing this was all just a bad dream, and I'd wake up. But the amount of exhaustion and stress I felt at that moment, told me other wise. As well as a pounding had started in my head. I raised my hands to my temples, closing my eyes. 

"In the bathtub." 

This was going to be a long night... If I didn't lose my head first. 

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