The Forest

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The Obscurum Forest was the darkest jewel of Aureum city. It's trees grown tall, branches twisted together and bark a dark ashen black. Most of the year the Lignum trees had no leaves, just a bare branch with twisted ends. But on rare springs, anyone who dare come near the unfathomable woodlands could very well catch a glimpse of the preternatural leaves of the usually crisp boughs reaching towards the sky and beyond, their escape. Large purple, blue, even red and yellow fronds would grow from the seemingly dead limbs. Purple being the most common among the unorthodox leaves, would superficially glow and shimmer with the little sunlight that even touched them. The light in the forest always seemed to be either a stunning iris blue, or a deep byzantium haze. Lurking a few feet above the forest floor, the haze of light, almost seemed to be a mist, or a light fog. There are said to be large, mushroom like thing's growing in the Obscurum Forest, cliffs that just come to a sheer stop and twisting caves that appear to have no end. Not that anyone has ventured into the stunning maze of shadows and trees for a very long time. By now, all that said is pure myth; legend.

The fear of the unknown is what mostly keeps humanity from setting foot into the miraculous timberland. With all the speculations about the place, of mythical creatures that inhabit the forest, to tales of magic and enchantment. So much more is said about the forest. Lakes that grant immortality, plants to instantly kill someone without a trace. Animals with a deadly glare, or mushrooms that glow like little wisps in the darkness. The Obscurum Forest is pure mystery to everything and all, almost too frightening to enter. Not even animals from the outside dare to set a single claw, hoof or paw into the treeline. But the same goes for the things that live inside. Never once has anyone seen anything leave the forest, not even a single leave drifting through the wind. All and all, Obscurum is unique in it's own mysterious ways. Who knows, maybe someone will set foot into the dark beauty someday.


"Run! I'll hold them off!" Fredrick yelled back. Keiro only stood in fear, watching the ex-knight of the kingdom fight off the beasts made purely of skin and bones. Their eyes were sunken in, inky dark orbs hidden inside a cave of darkness.

"But Fre-" He tried to protest, but was interrupted by the older man.

"Find her, Kiero! Don't worry about me, I'll find Ebelline and meet back up with you. Just take Arabelle and go!" Fredrick ordered.

He got one good last look of the man who was out numbered with the horrid creatures before reluctantly grabbing Arabelle's hand and running in the opposite direction. Images of the monsters stayed fresh in his mind. As they stood above the glowing amber shrooms, they looked like demons with hellfire raging beneath them. Their long, slick bodies and slim limbs and sharp claws. Fredrick with his brass armor, looked like a bronze statue of a heroic man. Standing in place in a battle stance, forever waiting for the enemy to attack. Guilt ate away at his stomach, just like it did when they left Ebelline the elven huntress to face the other creatures alone. Both of their teammates were terribly outnumbered, yet he still ran. Left them to face their deaths alone.

Keiro ran further and further into the somber trees, weaving through trunks and ducking under twisted branches reaching out for him in an attempt to stop him. Every now and again he'd steal a glance down at the little girl by his side, who was struggling to keep up with the older man. Arabelle ran as fast as her little legs would carry her. "There!" She exclaimed, pointing off to the left when she noticed as they ran farther to the right, the glow of her necklace began to diminish. Keiro nodded, and headed into the direction she pointed. He continued on that path never taken, crushing the wild vegetation beneath his feet.

His chest heaved for air, legs burning as he ran further. Not a doubt in his mind that this was it, the end. Up ahead he saw a dim light, though it was obtrusive, and a grin broke across his face. Slowing his pace, he tried to catch as much of his breath as he could, and glanced down at Arabelle. The crystal that bounced against her chest as she moved glowed brighter than ever, an angelic white. His eyes gleamed with joy. "This is it!" Keiro cheered with hope. He let out a chuckle, and pushed forward towards the faint light that lied ahead.

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