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Authors Note: Hi! This is my first fan fiction, so no hate please! Constructive criticism is appreciated, and any and all comments and reads mean the world to me. So I hope you enjoy.

I was in my room, in the east wing when I heard the news. I was in shock, I started shaking, shivering, panting. I could hear someone calling my name but I didn't care. Tears welled and fell down my cheeks.

Whimpering softly first,  I then broke into ugly sobs. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what was going on, I just lay there crying.

I could feel someone approach me, but I brushed them off. I started breathing faster, more rapidly.

My heart was racing and I was trembling. I covered my mouth with my hands trying to keep soft moans from escaping between the tears. I could hear the commotion around me, but I didn't care, nothing would ever be the same.

My voice was quivering, everything was turning blurry, I couldn't see properly, as the dizziness started to take over. The castle started to feel faint, my eyes closed and I blacked out.

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