Chapter 5.1 - Rewrite

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2 years
150 pages
40,000 words
It's long overdue, so here you go. 
This was part of my Christmas Special. To see the full up-to-date story, check out my Patreon. 

Welcome to 2024!


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Michael drew out the routes and plans of his attack, taking counsel from the Felicians who knew the locations better than himself. By the time most of the details had been straightened out, the Intrepid had dropped from Superluminal and was floating with the rest of the combined fleet. Leaving the briefing room behind, the Delegation walked along with Michael and Dejah to the bridge.

"We've arrived at your specified destination, Master." Pandora's android presence spoke, rising from his seat and kneeling beside it.

"Thank you my love." Michael smiled, taking a seat while looking over the sector. "What's the stability of the region?"

Aurora spoke from her seat."As you predicted, the area is rich in minerals and the large binary stars will provide excellent shields in cloaking our location to those travelling in SML."

"Excellent, send a scouting party out to get a detailed layout of the area." Michael ordered, looking at Pan expectantly.

Smiling innocently, she looked up at her Master and creator.

'Well?' He asked her.

'Well what, Master?' Her tone teasing and playful.

'How long has the scouting party been waiting for my word to launch?' He asked, knowing his blue skinned construct had already predicted his movements.

Her titillating giggles filled his mind but no answer came. Shaking his head Michael scanned through the readouts he was presented with as Stacey and Dejah escorted the Delegation off the bridge.

Minutes ticked by as Michael sat waiting, fingers thrumming on the padded armrest.

'Fuck this.' Michael swore to the collective grid of his girls. As one, the others turned to look at him, a mixture of concern and surprise from the sudden outburst. 'We're getting out of here. Come on, all of you, let's go explore our new home.' Turning on his heel, he walked from the bridge to the bank of elevators.

'What's brought all this on?' Rin asked, stepping in beside him.

'When was the last time you were off the ship? How long until the next chance comes along where we can do something else other than plan and wage war?'

Michael asked, pressing the button to take them to the hangars. 'We aren't dead yet, so let's go out there and enjoy life.'

Grinning from ear to ear, the others followed him into their hangar. Kat paired off with Michael for their fighter, while the others looked around somewhat uncertain of where to go or what to do.

"Pick a craft, choose who'll pilot and let's go already." Michael's cheeky smile crooked his lips, "Unless you're scared?"

Backs straightening in indignation, the others quickly commandeered a craft and settled the arguments amongst themselves as to whom would fly. Once seated, the flight crews pushed the various crafts into place on the magnetic launchers. The clang of each craft locking into its bay was almost drowned out as the thrusters of each craft came to life.

Pandora had opted to stay behind, her digital format allowing her to reside with each of them rather than one specific craft. As she turned to leave, Michael caught her wrist, spinning her into his embrace.

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