Chapter 5.3 - Rewrite

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Rin -

Rin could taste the awkwardness lingering in the air. Stepping from the elevator into their quarters, she lead the way. It was more to get out of the constricting space than anything else. Walking ahead of Pan, she felt strange. It was like being sent to the headmaster's office, though when she would arrive nobody would be awaiting her. Try as she might, she couldn't slow her steps. She'd wanted to be confident in this situation, dealing with the mess she'd created, instead she felt small and meek. Her steps grew heavy and fast as she approached the door that led to their combined quarters.

She didn't know how to handle this. Was she meant to admit fault? Beg for forgiveness? How did she do that? If it was her, she'd want something, a token of appreciation. Should she have done that for Pan? What did you give an AI? A unique experience? Her cheeks flushed at the memory of her... heated comments. 'Aki would know what to do this.'

Entering the oasis she walked past the pool and made for one of the lustrous seating areas. The overstuffed chaises and recliners opened their arms invitingly, but she went against it. Instead she took a seat at one end of the couch, while Pan sat at the other.

Glancing at her from the corner of her eye, Rin scanned for an insight, a flicker of something in Pan's eye, a movement in her hand, a tick of her foot, that would start the dominoes falling into the conversation.

'How do you do that with an AI though,' She fretted. 'She...'

Rin blinked, turning to give Pan her undivided attention. Pan seemed to notice the sudden shift in her sister in arm's demeanour, cocking her head slightly inquisitively.

"I owe you an apology." Rin held up her hand as Pan tried to cut her off, "Please. This is something I need to say."

Nodding, Pan folded her hands in her lap.

"I owe you an apology. I know I do. I've got a lot of explaining to do and a lot of making up to do, at least in my eyes." Rin shifted nervously, eyes glancing away. "I've never thought of you as a person. I've kept looking at you as something, not someone. You're very much a person to everyone else, and the thought of you going back to a digital life isn't something I want for you."

Swallowing hard, she looked up, the emotions held at bay restricting her voice. "Just now, as we sat down, I was already thinking to myself 'how do I deal with the AI'. Not Pan, not work with, no. I look at you as an object and I'm so sorry. It's my fault, you treat us all so well, you deal with all of this and more and yet you still find it within you to make our lives bearable and easier. I don't appreciate that enough."

Rin couldn't hold her posture straight any longer, chin dropping into her chest as she felt the weight of her shame weigh on her, like anvils hanging from her eyebrows. It thus came as a shock, when warm and soft arms wrapped around her. Before she could pull away, Pan had pulled the troubled woman into an embrace. A loving embrace.

They held each other for a time, neither one speaking, instead letting the comfort they provided for each other soothe the raw edges. Pan was the one who broke the silence in the end.

"You have nothing to apologise for." Pan smiled, placing a soft finger on Rin's lips as she went on. "So you think of me in one way and not another, so you use some words rather than others. It doesn't matter to me."

Rin's brow crinkled in confusion, "But, words matter. It-"

"It's what you feel that's important to me." Pan explained, cutting Rin off before she could return to her self-recrimination. "You felt guilt over what you said and did. You wouldn't be that way to a microwave or a chair, you may think or say something that isn't 'politically correct' but I know your heart's in the right place."

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