chapter ten | veronica

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I stare in stunned silence as Lio's body jerks back and slams against the a table. A few girls shriek. Other gasp. I'm in the shocked category. My back hits Dallas's and I grip his arm for some sort of balance.

Sebastian has never been the violent type. He said it the other day, didn't he? That he'd rather play smarter. So why is he punching my boyfriend?
Before Lio can recover, Sebastian lunges at him with a slamming punch. It's the first time I see him this way. Violent. Animalistic. Out of control. It's like a different Sebastian altogether.

"So you found out" Lio shouts, releasing a mocking laugh before he shoves Sebastian and jabs a punch at his face. Blood explodes from Sebastian's lower lip. I swallow. Should I interfere? Do something? Say something? But it's not like they're fighting because of me. So you found out. Found out what?

Aside from the sound of punches, the party is completely silent. Nobody utters a word. Hell, I doubt they're able to breathe properly. It's understandable. This fight might as well be the event of the year. Dallas and Ezra are the first — and the only ones — who dare to approach them. Putting there issues aside.

Ezra tries to grip Sebastian, but he's like a bull.
He shoves him away and lunges back at Lio. At that, the rest of the Basketball team joins. It takes a few of them to stop Lio and Sebastian from killing one another. Two butlers pace inside, followed by... Samantha Fucking Wiley. She called the Butlers?

Lio's Parents walk through the corridor appearing pissed off as they order the basketball team to drag Sebastian and Lio outside. Uncontrolled murmurs erupt between everyone.

On his way out, Sebastian brushes past Tiffany. Whose somehow standing next to me, with tears skimming her eyes. He somehow smirks as he stops in front of her. Hot, intrusive breaths trickle the side of her face as he seethes,
"We're Over."
The incident at the party becomes everyone's favourite subject of gossip. I keep getting funny glares, as I walk to with Tiffany to her car.

Everyone's theory is that Lio and Sebastian will get disciplinary actions that might include temporary suspension from the team and school. I find it hard to believe that My Dad and Coach Perez to even allow NHA to take their two star players, but the board is strict about any act of violence. NHA and NCS aren't the type of schools for fights. It's full of academically accomplished people. Rank, grades, and money are the only things that matter.

My mind goes rampant with ideas shooting all over the place. Neither of us is talking. When we're in the car park, Samantha and her two minions cut into our path. Oh, come on.

She's the last person I need to talk to on this shitty day. She taps her designer shoes on the ground, staring us down like were her maids. "Who the hell do you think you are, Sam." Tiffany wails, as I rub her back in circular motions. She can be a bitch sometimes, But I've learned to choose my battles. She's my ride home And Sebastian broke up with her in front of the top two schools in the country. This will be talked about.

"It's Samantha Fucking Wiley. Whores like you don't get to call her Sam" one of Samantha's Minions shouts behind her, Causing her eyes to gleam with red-hot determination when she recognizes me.

"My favorite person" she smiles. Walking over to snap a picture of Tiffany's disheveled state. "Fuck off" I make sure to stick the middle finger in her picture.

"You're just a nobody, so stop trying to become somebody" She says, handing her purse to her minion. "Oh wow. Your a fucking poet now. Who knew the world revolved around a fake blonde." Tiffany shouts back.

She flips her phone showing us that she posted the picture. "Remember that when you decide to fuck Veronica's boyfriend again." She winks at me.

I freeze. I grit my teeth, tears rimming my eyes. but I choose to ignore her. Never give bullies what they want. A reaction.

"Your fucking scum from NCS, Remember that when I get you kicked out whore." Tiffany snarls at them. I pull her by the arm towards her Wrangler. "They're not worth it."

Samantha just laughs at the snide remark. "Soon I'll be some NHA scum, let's see how you like me then," Samantha says from behind me in a calm, smug voice that pisses me off. I don't want to hear what she has to say, but I also won't run towards the car and show her my flight mode. No one in hell will see my flight mode. "Since Sebastian is tense, I'll have to give him a visit and relieve the tension," Samantha continues.

Fuck it. I drop into the passenger seat and slam the door shut harder than I intended. My breathing is harsh and uneven and my ears ring as if someone slapped me.

Remember that when you decide to fuck Veronica's boyfriend.

I'm glad Tiffany pulls out the car in silence. My temper flares when Samantha gives me a smug smile and waves her phone on which 'Sebastian' flashes.

He's calling her.
Sebastian is calling her.
Fuck him.

The entire ride home is spent in unnerving silence.
Despite the weight perching on my chest, I hate the strained air between Tiffany and I. "When?"
She cuts me a stern look before she focuses back on the road. "I should be asking you that, you're suddenly interested in Sebastian?" I blink. "I'm not interested in Sebastian."

"Your entire body froze when she showed you the fucking phone. And what about when we're in class? All the giggles" Her lips tremble. As I fully turn in my seat "Did you... did you have feelings for Lio all this time?" she doesn't respond she just wipes a tear, and taps her hands maniacally on the wheel.

"What the fuck is it? I'm sure it's written in some friendship code that you don't fuck their boyfriend."
I stare at her reddened cheeks, incredulous. Tiffany's lips part as she hits the brakes, stopping the car on the side of the road. A driver yells and honks, but she ignores him and taps the steering wheel maniacally. "We are not friends." 

"So this is what it's all about? You're taking revenge because of a couple laughs? We're just friends." tears tremble down my cheeks. "This isn't about you."

"Then what?" I shout. Silence takes claim in the car. I stare from the window. "Lio and I aren't what you think." Tiffany's voice softens. She goes back to tapping the steering wheel. "The point is, I promise to never hurt you, Veronica. You saw me at my lowest tonight, after everything I did to you and I'll never forget that."

I face her, tears blurring my vision. "Your hurting me now. So fuck your promises." she lunges at me in a bear hug. I wrap my arms around her, inhaling her soft, floral perfume. I didn't know I needed a hug until she offered it. "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." she sobs. "I don't know what I was thinking, Sebastian is literally my bestfriend. He's never going to forgive me." she sobs. Her outburst leaves me surprised. I know she's a human but seeing her cry?

When she pulls away, her eyes shift sideways before they meet mine. "I know we didn't start off on the best foot, But I promise Its over."

Something tightens at the pit of my stomach. I don't even know whether to trust her or not. She's made about fifteen promises to me and broke them before it left her lips.

Tiffany drives me home and I spend the rest of the evening looking out my window. He doesn't come home.

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