chapter fifteen | veronica

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Dallas's party was packed, with people grinding and sweating all over eachother, and I was no exception, the second Rihanna's Don't Stop the Music was blaring in the speakers, I let loose and threw myself into the moment, with Vivian, Lizzie, and Victoria by my side.

With our coordinating costumes, Kiss, Kill, Marry, and Fuck. Vivian was Kiss, Victoria was Kill, Liz was Marry, And I was Fuck. We made quite the squad on the dance floor, receiving attention from every guy we'd made eye contact with.

Two guys in blonde wigs who were dressed like the girls From White Chicks start a moshpit, Dragging us deeper into the crowd, we quickly closed in on them. "Do you guys think we are winning best dressed?" Nico shouted, throwing his arms over Dallas's shoulder when we reached him. Not giving two shits on how ridiculous he looks in his, pink dress, fake blonde wing, and hairy legs on full display.

Victoria immediately doubled over in laughter, causing Dallas and Nico to smirk. "I can't cope" Vivian giggled, "You guys got us beat!" Liz half-laughed, half-slurred. "So, where's your friend tonight?"

"Sebby's in here somewhere" Nico smirks, "He's with another girl, Great." I sigh, channeling my inner puppy dog eyes. "How'd you-" Dallas is immediately cut off by Nico. "Oh fuck you both" I groan, heading over to the bar, where I immediately find my culprits. Sebastian with Tiffany. Can my night get any better?

I walk right in between the they're conversation, handing the waiter a one hundred dollar bill. " Two Vodka shots, Also that should cover this lovely couple's beer, too." Glancing over my shoulder to glare at him.

Tiffany chuckles, "Say thank you to your sugar mama, Sebby." flashing her an overly lascivious grin. "Say hi to my fucking fist, bitch"

The second the words leave my mouth Sebastian drags me backwards, with my hands behind my back like I'm a prisoner. Causing his chair to fall, as he leads me away from the bar.

The whole party is lit up by phones directed at us. "All this for someone who doesn't want a date or anything to do with me" he smirks, "Fuck off, Sebastian" Snatching my hand back, "You started this, the second you sat next to her knowing I'd be here."

I back up a step or two, bumping against a door, which swings open locking us both inside. "I can't stand you", I sigh, "So you're saying if I kissed you right now, you're pushing me off" he licks his puffy lips and moves closer. "Correct," moving closer to him, inch by inch, until my body is pressed against his. "You talk a big game, babe. but if I take my hand and slide it under this dress, what would I find" he rasps.

Ever so slightly his fingers shift downward to play with the hem of my dress. I don't break eye contact though, "You'd find absolutley nothing." I smirk, "Mmmm. should we find out" Our gazes lock when he tugs on the stretchy material underneath my dress, leaning close to my lips, we are only a breath apart. and he whispers, "I win"

I grit my teeth, forcing myself to RELAX, I rear my knee back and lodge it into his crotch, "That's for the Tiffany bullshit, Oh and I win" I smirk, quickly exiting the bathroom. Only to bump into a hard chest. instant karma

"Fuck, sorry" I exclaim, "The infamous Veronica, heard a lot about you." I smiled back at him before returning to glower at Sebastian trailing behind me. "Hope you heard she's got a boyfriend too." With that, he drags my ass off the dance floor.

"I am NOT your girlfriend, and you can't keep telling people that." I sneered, "What can I do then? because I've wanted you the second I laid eyes on you, I can't take you on a date. I can't kiss you, I can't touch you. How fucking long are you going to make me wait to prove that I want you." he huffs

"I don't know, Till the day hell fucking freezes,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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