-Pretty Face-

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Much trust had been lost, but much more was gained.

Sure, Hellebore was now always tailed by guards in the shadows, the winds told her, it amused her, but it was because she had broken trusts of those she should have not.

She was not some spy, not some mage nor some skin-taker, all accusations thrown her way by the council of elders but the young crow just smiled back, letting them talk themselves into an endless circle.

She'll let them have their fun with it.

She could always fly away, the winds are her friends, they would never ground her.

She was nothing they claimed, she was but a humble crow.

And why did they not chase her away? She did wonder but accepted this, this way she could be here.

A saddened amusement on her face as the couple was ignoring her with short replies most of the time. She didn't blame them, a death bird is hard to trust.

She could hear the servants whisper and the guards mock but she had not cared for trivialities such as these in a long time.

Hellebore was as free in mind as she was free in body, nothing seemed to scratch the surface and nothing could hit deep either.

As lonely as death birds are meant to be, it always felt good to have someone to come back too.

Looking out the window, she hadn't gone flying in a while but she wanted to prove she didn't want to royals ill intent even if the longing for the skies gnawed at her bones, the wind reassuringly whispering, time will come when she'll see the sky again, but now she has other goals to fulfill.

But as intelligent as Hellebore was, some things still eluded the mind of the bird given thought. Being a bird came with a lack of some human knowledge, she had been given thought, not understanding and so she did believe that they were avoiding her out if distrust... Tho it wasn't exactly the case for the humans that actually knew why they were doing this.

"Oh my gods I am dying." Mar was asking like a child, face down on their shared bed, kicking his legs and beating the covers with his fist.

"Then why did you let her stay?" Leira hissed.

"And why did you beg for me to make her stay?!"

"Because you were about to cry when you told her you'd need to punish her for such a lie!"

"But you looked hurt because of such lies and I must protect you!"

Both having stupidly strong morals, justice and power yes, being a strong front in the kingdom... But both stupidly being wrapped in the charms of a bird turned human.

As wife and husband, as queen and king, they both decided on things as one and currently it had been one midnight colored little thing that had a death grip on both of them.

The hopeless romantics they both are, were hopelessly arguing about their own fates.

They are not mad at Hellebore because of her secrecy, they are not mad because of what she did... 

They are mad she dared to hide such a pretty face from them!

''Just a crow''Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang