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And so in the silence of the night.

A night only guards stood awake in, where royalty slept, where servants dreamt.

In such a night was one soul, stirring in the shadows.

Such a soul knew their duties and what needed to be done for the good of the kingdom.

Such a soul snuck through the halls and rooms, aided by the whispers of magical spells cast upon him.

He knew this was for the greater good, that this needed to be done to save them all from ruin and war, he knew all that and yet his hands were clammy and he was scared.

It was not that different from usual, targets never seeing him come but this still felt different, something he was never face with, something entirely new.

But who'd have expected this new thing to come to him?

The straight hall, the windows casting the moon's light into it, shining so bright with no clouds, at the end of it would be his target, at the end would be his pay.

And yet, despite the clear skies, a flash of thunder revealed a figure that was gone just as fast as this bolt had come.

A shiver ran down his spine, rubbing his eyes but seeing no on--Shling!

A scream died in his throat, a gentle but firm grip over his mouth kept him silenced as it pulled him back in an arch while the cause of his pain pushed forwards.

"A little birdy told me that something was amiss so I came to see what it was." An ever whispered voice said, pulling his head back and tilted, his dark browns meeting with even deep violets and an adoring smile.

The large blade thrust through the back of his chest and out the front was taking all his strength away, not literally but those eyes and this pain, it was like he couldn't move, his whole being overwhelmed in fearful agony.

His legs losing strength, falling back against this woman.

Instead of letting him fall, she had grabbed him, kneeling to follow the movement, one hand holding his back off her ground, also feeling his body lean against her propped up know, other hand on the back of his head.

He tried to speak but his throat filled with warm blood that he coughed out, the pain, oh the pain.

"Ssh, it won't hurt for much longer." His killer said with a smile he almost believed, shifting her hand so only her knee held him up, brushing his hair out of his face. "The pain will be gone soon."

He tried to speak, he gentleness compelling. Guilt, he felt guilt for the first time in a long time, he had killed so many, he had caused so much pain, so much and she was being so gentle.

"Don't." She said when he grabbed her arm, as if she understand what he was feeling. "You were just trying to survive, the world was cruel, they should have never taken you."

Yeah, they had forced his hands, he could do nothing but follow others.

"You did magnificent, you were loyal but so am I and I needed to stop you." A gentle caress to his face, he almost remembered his mother's touch, it was so long ago. "I know you didn't have a choice and neither did I, I'm sorry."

Why? He deserves this, he almost did the unthinkable. More coughing, the world growing darker, scarier.

"Do rest now child of earth for the winds shall carry you in their embrace soon, with the pain gone, you'll fly high... It will all be alright."

This woman, his end, his death, smiling so inviting, so loving, he almost was not scared.

"You are not the one to blame." Hellebore whispered to the shuddering body as all finally relaxed, his voided eyes staring at the ceiling. "It is those that forced your hands." She moved her hand from his cheek, gently closing his eyes for him, hand hovering over her dark blade, it bursting into many black feathers that soon vanished. "I knew not your name but rest now, the winds will show you grace and you shall move on with the love a death bird can give to the living."

A hand on his chest, a last kiss on the forehead, as another life faded from this world.

No, he was not to blame, it was his duty as a blade for hire to act just like it was her duty to be the one to stop him. He was never to blame.

Death was a part of life, but it didn't need to be scary, she was would not let it be.

"Let him fly dear gods." She laid him down gently, a last caress to the face. "Away from the pain and hatred of his peers, let him know love once more in your hearts for I am the one to ask." The whispers hung in the air.

Morning came and a delayed panic set in.

The would be assassin's body found in a puddle of his own blood in the halls leading up to the royal couple's bedroom.

There was no signs of a struggle, that was nothing out of the ordinary, just a dead man resting on the ground, looking so peaceful, the couple would have thought he was just sleeping if it was not for the blood and the lack of breath.

It was like death had come and gone, taking him without marring his face with agony.

And that one forgotten, blood soaked and ruffled black feather was proof enough for them that his death hadn't been frightful but gentle.

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