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I sat in the van beside Ryan on the way to  Slane, staring out the window lost in my thoughts, Hey Ya! by OutKast blaring in the background. I was so jetlagged and was not in the mood to do anything, I was then taken away from my distractions with the loud sound of Rob's snoring. "He sounds like a erupting volcano." Eli said sarcastically, everyone laughed, Josh had noticed how exhausted I looked and handed me a bag of jellys "eat them you'll need the energy." We smiled at each other.

After I inhaled my jellys and gave some to Ryan, we finally rolled up at Slane, the Gards stopped the traffic to let us pass and I could imagine people thinking that we were absolute wet brains. Fans were coming from all around, "They look like the groups of zombies from the walking dead." Rob joked, "since when did you awaken from your beauty sleep😴😴" I said sarcastically, "Shup you." He said with a smirk as he rolled his eyes🙄🙄🙄.

After we unloaded all the gear and were just chilling out for a while I heard my phone ring, I picked it up the name on the screen read "Rachel". Maybe a was ringing to wish me and the lads goodluck, I answered the call "well" I said happy to hear my sister's voice, she sobbed and told me something I thought I would never hear, "what?!" I said in disbelief facing the lads who were sitting in the edge of the open van. A single tear fell down my cheek, everyone looked concerned, I let my sister speak and then said "okay I'll call you in a while, ye ok... bye." I ended the call, more tears streamed down my cheeks. "Y/N? What happened?" Ryan asked concerned and got up from where he was sitting on the edge of the van, he walked over to me and looked at me more serious than ever. "I-I" I had no words, Ryan just pulled me into a hug, the lads over and pulled us into a group hug, which was kinda cringe🙄 but it made me feel wanted💋.

I sat in front of a random mirror in some random dressing room that some random ignorant staff member shoved me into and told me to get ready😀. I wasn't getting ready instead I was sitting there with my thoughts, I felt so shameful that I wasn't there for them, I felt like such an arsehole.
The last time I saw them was Christmas, and all we did was fight the whole time, I just couldn't forgive my self for my arseholery.🤓☝️

After I finished getting ready I walked out of the dressing room and was greeted by the lads. "Alright?" Eli asked and put a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me, "no." I said and walked away I felt like a dick for doing that but whatever.😹 "Whats up with her?" Our photographer asked as he just arrived, "her brothers were stoned last night and got hit by the Luas." Eli said, "The Luas of all things." Rob said trying to lighten the mood, but clearly it wasn't working🙄what and absolute simpleton.

Time went by so fast with out me even realising. I sat in a chair beside Josh strumming my guitar, he looked at me and smirked "what?" I asked "nothing he responded, just then I saw Robert, Eli, Louis and Ryan run up to me with the same smirk Josh had, "What? Your all bloody smiling at me like what do ye want?" I blurted out. "We have a surprise for you!" Ryan cheered, "okay what is it??" I questioned, they all smiled at each other and Louis pulled something out of his pocket, "OH MY GOOD LORD A JOINT!!" I squeeled, everyone chuckled😹, "body of Christ" Louis said "Amen" I responded, he placed it in my mouth, Rob then pulled out a lighted and lit it. "Thank you." I said sweetly, they just smiled, and we all smoked joints under the summer sun.🥳🌞

Stoned was an understatement, we were fucking off the rails. We danced like cheeky monkeys🐒while Annie Mac played her set. While jumping around we then saw Eli's dad in the distance, Bono. "Oh fuck lads acts normal😀☝️!" Bono walked over with his wife Ali and smiled at us "HOW YA!!!" I yelled "that came out louder than it was supposed to." Josh chuckled, "Jesus Christ.." Bono said with a sigh, "Goodluck!" Ali said with a smile and hugged Eli. "Awwww Mammy's little boy🤠" Rob joked, Eli pushed him and Rob pushed him back.

We sat in a patch of grass, having the absolute munch 💥on burgers from Eddie Rockets. "Big up lads." Louis said, "alright Beevo." I said with a giggle, "Lads look at my Beevo impression." Robert forced everyone to look at him, We were all laughing🐊.

"5 minutes!" Some one yelled, we were just after finishing a round of bird bingo, "are you nervous?" Robs asked me sarcastically, "no why would I be bozo"😽.

The crowd screamed like there was no tomorrow as we walked on stage🤭. We opened with These are the days and it felt magical as the fans sang along. After 5 more songs we began to sing Love will get you there, it really got to me and I sang like I never had before and shredded on my guitar, they lads looked kinda shocked but whatever🤗.

After we finished our set Rob came to me "hey you were really good up there." He said with a smile, "thanks." I smiled "but not as good as me🤪🤪!" He added "stfu you whiny cunt xoxo." I responded, we smirked at each other

After Harry's 2 hour long set we all sat around playing bird bingo and it made me forget about my 3 brothers being hit by the Luas last night🙂. "Heyy get your shit were going to the after party" Eli said, "yes sir" I went and grabbed my stuff and off we went.🥳

We had been partying for a while, I was at the bar with John and Edward also known as Jedward😎and then 505 by Arctic Monkeys came on so of course I went straight to the dance floor🤪. There I met Eli who was dancing with some other girls, "heyy" I called out to Eli, "heyyy" he responded, "who are you?" A girl who was with Eli asked ignorantly, "why do you want to know?" I said, "because I'm with Eli so you need to back off." She commented, "ye well why don't you go kill your self you ignoramous cunt😼☝️." I remarked, she then fucked off with herself... Eli is such a whiny little simpleton you thought to yourself.🤣

I grabbed another drink and went to the dance floor, I bet you look good on the dance floor by arctic monkeys playing in the background.
"Stop making the eyes at me and I'll stop making the eyes at you..."
I then saw Robert giving me the guggy eye👀 from across the room, he then came over to join you. "Heyy" I said flirtatious, Robert then leaned in to kiss you, before he could you heard a grumbling noise you thought it was Rob's stomach😀But it got louder and louder and just then the ground caved in and every one fell through...

We all fucking died......
That's right cunts we all fucking died x


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