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It was the first day of the full moon and the crowd were starting to fill the underground Lair where the Death Match was held.

The people – and non people alike – started to pour in from many different spawn points from different worlds and dimensions because the Death Match was the only game whose bets were sky-high and the lives could be bought at a price.

The spectators were varied from the Gods and Goddesses, Mythical and Supernatural Beings, Aliens, and Humans. And even though those were various kinds of species, there was no fight inside the Lair because the place was reinforced with a very strong barrier that prohibited fights outside the Cage. If you had problems with anyone, you could ask for a duel to the death inside The Cage, not outside, and the consequences for disobeying the Rules were an instant death.

Even the authorities could not restrict nor punish anyone inside because the owner of The Lair was someone that anyone would not want to cross.

But tonight was a bit different. 

Tonight, Red would fight in ten consecutive fights as he challenged the Top Ten of the Death Match at once.

Red was a new rising star who appeared out of nowhere and bulldozed his way to the Top Twenty in no time at all – leaving positions empty and bodies everywhere on his trail to the top.

There were no rules in the Death Match. Just like its name, you fought until you won – or died trying. And since the Top Ten all had their own unique and special power – the trait of their species and also the result of their training – almost all people bet against Red.

Sure he was super strong, but he did not seem to have any special ability like the werewolves or the vampires or any other mythical beings. Just pure physical strength and technology. At least that's what the people who bet against him observed his previous winnings. But some people decided to bet on his win – including himself.

“Place all the gold on my win.” Red told his assistant slash manager to put all of their previous winnings to his victory and his assistant almost choked.

“Are you sure? If you don’t win, we will lose everything.” A young man with reptilian golden eyes and white hair frowned. He wore all black clothes since he didn’t want his white clothes to be spattered by blood, and this place and its people shed blood faster than when you cut the arterial vein on a human.

“Since when have I ever lied to you, Miri?”

True, he knew that Red was really strong. Like really really strong beyond comprehension. But his opponents were able to manipulate blood! Transformed into a wolf! Used poison! Even manipulated elemental spirits! And summoned monsters!

Well, he did save him from that goddamn Demon Hunter that tried to kill him, but he didn’t get a good look at how he did it exactly because he was in tremendous pain at that time.

“I really do hope that you win, Red. I love my A5 wagyu steaks, you know.” He grumbled and left the special changing place that oversaw the Cage – a privilege for the Champions – and went to the Official to place his bet.

Apart from the bet, they would get an overwhelming amount of gold too – the only valid currency in the Lair – if they won the bet and became the First Rank, because the Top Ten would be paid handsomely just to fight the challenger like this time.

And Miri loved the gold.

And Red loved Miri just like his own brother. That was the reason why he indulged him – while doing this to strengthen himself.

He then pressed the black stone necklace and activated his fully customized ARK battlesuit that covered him from top to toe. The suit helped him to hide his real identity and generated a force field around his body to absorb any attack from his opponent.

It was not a cheat and most of the fighters there also used a variety of shields and protections since not all the participants were humans.

Even so, the death counts were still very high.

But that was also the interesting thing about the Death Match.

Nothing was being held back and everything was as raw and authentic as it could be. Blood, brain matter, guts, you could all see them closely and smell the horrendous smell of carnage – which some people craved for.

And when the sound of the bell rang to let them know that the betting counter was closed, they all waited in anticipation for the super rookie to step into The Cage and get pummeled by the veterans. 

That would teach him not to be so cocky anymore.

RED 🔞 (Tracker #1)Where stories live. Discover now