Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time, in a land not too far away, there lived a beautiful Princess who was loved by everyone.

The Princess loved fairy tales and shiny gems – unlike other kids her age – and she was the smartest, prettiest, kind-hearted Princess that everyone thought would be the wisest queen when she grew up.

Unfortunately, the Princess had a very serious sickness that no one could heal – not the doctors, the priests, the saintess – no one.

The symptoms could only be alleviated by the rare mana stones that shone like the brightest gem, and even then, they could not cure her.

Her parents scrambled to gather all the mana stones from all over their kingdom and their allies from all over the world, and they put them inside the Princess’ bedroom – where she was confined because she could not move her body any longer, other than using her hands to flip open the story book. 

Not long after, even her eyes had become blind and it caused her to be unable to read her favorite books anymore, but because she remembered every book that she read, she could read it to her favorite mana stone – the biggest, brightest, and the most colorful one that she kept beside her and talked to every time.

The mana stone appeared out of the blue when the Princess still could see. Of all the small stones, this one stood out the most, and she felt this instant connection to the glowing stone and she also felt… peace. So she kept it near her.

The King and the Queen tried to make her last days the happiest by finding her all the fairy tale books and all the shiny gems called mana stones that would help ease her pain and had the prettiest rainbow colors – but she still favored her little ‘friend’ that she talked to every night about her hopes and dreams.

One day, when the moon was red in color, the Princess suddenly clutched her chest and vomited blood, and she knew that her time had come.

She smiled because although it was short, she was happy.

If one thing she had a regret for, it was to travel around the world, to meet her favorite characters, and become friends with them.

When she was on her last breath, the mana stone that she favored the most suddenly glowed bright under the blood red moon that even with her blindness, she could see the light.

And she knew that it was her time.

With her last breath, she whispered to the stone.

“I wish I could be born again as a healthy person, so that I could travel the world and see and experience everything that I’ve only been reading in the book.” She smiled weakly as she closed her eyes. “If there is a God there somewhere…”

The Princess drew her last breath before she finished her sentence, and the next thing that happened was the appearance of the red mist that covered the whole room full of books and mana stones – and the Princess’ body.

When the morning came, the attendant who checked on the Princess screamed out loud, because the usually crowded room – was now empty.

And the Princess was missing.

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