Chapter 1: Reconciliation

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Crowley's eyes filled with hatred as he glared at the Angel. "YOU BASTARD!!" He screamed as he grabbed Aziraphale by his jacket and slammed him against the wall. "HOW DARE YOU COME HERE!" Crowley screamed as he looked at Aziraphale with a burning hatred.
"Crowley, I'm sorry..." Said Aziraphale as Crowley scowled at him.
"Well an apology doesn't really mend a shattered heart now does it!" Crowley growled.
"I don't understand!" Said Aziraphale as Crowley let go of him and scoffed.
"Well let me make it easy for your stupid little Angelic brain to understand, that day you rejected me you killed everything I felt for you! You're lucky I don't skin you for how you've hurt me Aziraphale! I will never forgive you for how much pain you've put me through!" Said Crowley as he started walking away. "I think you should leave." Said Crowley as Aziraphale reached out to him.
"Crowley please-" Crowley quickly spun and flared demonic eyes burning with terrorizing hatred.
"I SAID GET OUT YOU STUPID ANGEL!" Crowley screamed as Aziraphale tried hard not to cry but couldn't help it. He thought no matter what happened he could always turn to Crowley, he didn't think Demons were capable of having their hearts broken so to see his dear friend, his only friend being hurt by words he had said it made Aziraphale fill with such terrible guilt and sorrow that he ran from Crowley.

That night Aziraphale went back to his old book shop late into the night, curled up on his sofa, and sobbed all night. At a certain point in the night Aziraphale's sobs turned to soft whimpers and that was when Muriel entered the room. "Aziraphale?" She asked as she walked in and held up a bat.
"Oh did I startle you that much?" Asked Aziraphale as he sniffed and wiped his eyes.
"No, I heard the door unlock and got scared but when I heard you crying and I thought to myself do the human thing and give him space but then you cried for nearly 6 hours, thought I should put a stop to it." Said Muriel as Aziraphale sniffed and wiped his eyes.
"Right.... Stop crying..." He said as his lip quivered as he tried not to cry.
"Aziraphale, what's wrong?" Asked Muriel as she set down the bat and sat next to him.
"I've ruined everything!" Said Aziraphale as he burst into a second wave of tears. "I thought realizing I was wrong would've been enough to get Crowley to forgive me but he doesn't even want to look at me! He hates me!" Said Aziraphale as he sobbed.
"No he doesn't hate you." Said Muriel as Aziraphale shook his head.
"No he actually said that." Said Aziraphale as Muriel sat on the coffee table in front of him.
"Aziraphale, the short time I have owned your bookshop, I've come to realize, through talking with Maggy and Nina, that humans will say things they don't mean when they're hurt as a defense mechanism to hurt the other person back. We figured that's why you said what you said to him." Said Muriel as Aziraphale shook his head.
"No I meant every word but I was wrong to think that way! Why can't he see that I was wrong!" Said Aziraphale as he sighed a deep heavy kind of sigh, the kind sigh that showed he was tired, that showed he was truly sorry because he was willing to give up right now if that would help Crowley forgive him. "Can I make some tea?" Asked Aziraphale as he stood.
"Sure go ahead." Said Muriel as she gestured to the kitchen so Aziraphale wandered into the kitchen and boiled a kettle. As he stood there making his tea he thought to himself, "Why ever have hope that you can convince him to love you, Aziraphale, you heard him, you broke his heart, correction you shattered his heart what reason does he have to forgive you?" He asked himself as he bit down on the inside of his lip and tried hard not to start sobbing again.

Muriel went back to her room at one point so instead of curling back up on the couch to bawl his eyes out like he wanted to he did the polite thing and went down to the book shop. He decided to read his pain away, he selected multiple love stories from Romeo and Juliet to Pride and Prejudice but all night he continued to ridicule the stories of how unrealistic the love was and how he and Crowley would have found their situations rather simple compared to their own. Eventually he read every love story in the entire bookstore and all the stories brought him was a bitter feeling towards the whole emotional dread of being in love. Eventually Aziraphale though not needing sleep decided to sleep in hope it would make his mood improve. He laid on the couch and fell asleep.

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