Chapter 9: Until the End of Time

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One early morning just before sunrise, Crowley rose from the bed he now shared with Aziraphale. He slithered out from the Angel's grasp and started to dress himself. He then headed for the door but then stopped and patted himself searching for his glasses. Crowley stopped and turned seeing his sunglasses sitting on Aziraphale's nightstand so Crowley sighed and tried to walk over but noticed that there were dozens of books piled up on Aziraphale's side of the bed so Crowley gritted his teeth, mumbled curse words under his breath, then carefully stepped around the Angel's books. Crowley apparently didn't lift his foot high enough as the tip of his snake skin boot got caught on the cover of an old Charles Dickens novel that Aziraphale had collected and ended up causing not only a toppling of the stack of books but Crowley fell forward and nearly landed on Aziraphale but caught himself. Aziraphale's eyes opened as Crowley was inches from his face. "Good morning Crowley." Said Aziraphale as Crowley looked at him.
"Good morning Angel." Said Crowley as Aziraphale looked at him.
"Where are you going?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley shook his head.
"Nowhere." Said Crowley as he lied.
"Please don't lie to me Crowley." Aziraphale requested softly with a pout to his lip. Crowley sighed.
"Sorry..." He mumbled. "I was heading off to check on my plants and grab a few things from my flat." Said Crowley as he carefully stood up but looked at the floor. "Why are these here!?" Asked Crowley as he stared down at the books.
"I like to read before bed but sometimes I don't exactly put them back where they belong." Said Aziraphale as he sat up. "I presume you were over here for these?" Asked Aziraphale as he plucked the glasses off his nightstand.
"Can I please have my shades Angel?" Asked Crowley in a soft sort of begging tone as Aziraphale smiled softly.
"Of course, so long as I get to come with you." Said Aziraphale as he handed the glasses back to his demonic lover. Crowley sighed and took them.
"Alright." Said Crowley as he slid the glasses on his face. As Aziraphale threw off the covers he miraculously dresses himself. The two then headed out together.

As they drove in the Bentley Aziraphale noticed that Crowley was driving much, much slower than he would normally. "You're actually driving the speed limit." Aziraphale pointed out as Crowley sighed.
"I know but I'd rather not risk discorporating you because I'm not exactly certain if our child can survive that, my theory is that it would pretty much be a celestial miscarriage so I'd rather be safe than absolutely crushed and miserable." Said Crowley as he smiled at Aziraphale as he stopped at a red light. Aziraphale smiled back then leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
"You're so sweet." Said Aziraphale as Crowley sort of hissed at the compliment.

They arrived at Crowley's flat and stepped inside. Crowley immediately grabbed the plant mister off his desk and went into the room he kept his plants in. "Hello everyone, I can see everyone has been good in my absence. No leaf spots, no dry leaves, you're looking quite good but I am very certain there is something wrong." Said Crowley in a deep threatening kind of voice.
"You talk to them?" Asked Aziraphale from the doorway.
"Yeah I heard about it in the 70s and it really does work wonders to keep them in line." Said Crowley as he missed the plants but kept checking the leaves for any imperfections. Aziraphale stepped closer into the room and admired.
"Would it be alright if I talked to them as well?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley shrugged.
"Go ahead." Said Crowley as he continued spraying the water on the plants.
"Look at you all, you're so wonderful!" Said Aziraphale with a grin. As he gestured to them but Crowley paused.
"What are you doing?" Asked Crowley in a whisper like he didn't want the plants to hear him.
"I'm complimenting them." Said Aziraphale as Crowley leaned close.
"Angel, please don't. I have raised these plants on a healthy dose of fear and I don't want them thinking they can drop their guard just because you're being nice to them so please don't be nice to my plants." Said Crowley as Aziraphale had a hurt kind of look on his face and left the room. "Angel?" Asked Crowley as he quickly realized he had upset him. Crowley set down the mister and rushed after him. "Aziraphale what did I say?" Asked Crowley utterly lost as to how he had upset him.
"Nothing..." Aziraphale mumbled as he turned away.
"Angel if I'm not allowed to lie then neither are you." Said Crowley as Aziraphale sighed.
"Why aren't you nice to your plants?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley paused. He had never actually given a single thought to why he had such a cynical attitude towards the only living things he took care of. He thought about it for a moment and went very quiet like he was searching the depths of his mind. Aziraphale watched as it almost appeared that Crowley's eyes glazed over and he went into a sort of trance. "Crowley?" He asked as he touched Crowley's shoulder and Crowley jumped and lunged back with a pure look of fear in his eyes as a tear streamed down his cheek. "You're crying..." Said Aziraphale as Crowley blinked and took a breath.
"Yeah, I suppose that makes sense." Said Crowley as he wiped the tear off his face. "I guess I'm not really yelling at the plants for being imperfect, I'm yelling at myself." Said Crowley as he sighed. Aziraphale didn't even bother asking why because he already knew, imperfect and unforgivable were words the All Mighty used to describe Crowley specifically. Crowley was the only demon that regretted falling so it only made sense that he would hold onto those feelings of regret for an action that could never be taken back. It was the same reason he always said he was on his own side and never on the side of Hell or Heaven even when Aziraphale begged him to choose the Heavenly side of things. Even now with this beautiful gift the All Mighty has given the two of them it was obvious Crowley found it difficult to accept that the All Mighty could even consider giving him such a gift.
"Crowley, you are perfect no matter what God says! I've always thought so even when I knew you as an Angel." Said Aziraphale as he slowly reached out for Crowley's hand. "Crowley I love you more than anything in the world no matter what!" Said Aziraphale as he squeezed Crowley's hand. "So long as you don't treat our unborn daughter like you treat your plants." Said Aziraphale as Crowley shook his head.
"Of course not! I would never speak to any child like that let alone my own." Said Crowley as Aziraphale smiled.
"Wonderful." Said Aziraphale as he smiled and kissed Crowley's cheek.

Once they finished up with the plants they got back in the car and Crowley looked at Aziraphale. "What now?" Asked Crowley as Aziraphale smiled.
"Breakfast." Said Aziraphale as Crowley turned on the car.
"What sounds good?" Asked Crowley as Aziraphale hummed and thought about it.
"Surprisingly something simple, eggs, bacon, toast, basic things." Said Aziraphale as Crowley grinned.
"Well I can make you that back at your shop." Said Crowley as he slowly pulled out of his parking space and drove the speed limit back to Aziraphale's bookshop.

As they drove through London they got stuck in traffic which irritated Crowley just a bit because if they were driving like normal he would have been driving faster than the traffic could build but he knew it was better this way even if it was irritating. Suddenly as Crowley was enveloped in his own frustrated thoughts he felt a hand on his knee. He looked to see Aziraphale smiling at him. "It's so nice to be with you." Said Aziraphale in a soft sweet kind of tone that completely threw Crowley off guard causing the demon to turn bright red. "Crowley, you're blushing!" Said Aziraphale with a smile as Crowley turned back to the slow moving traffic.
"You just caught me off guard, Angel. That's all." Said Crowley as he gripped the stirring wheel tight.
"Well I think it's delightful." Said Aziraphale as he leaned over and kissed Crowley on the cheek feeling his red hot skin against his lips.
"Angel, please don't..." Crowley muttered as he grew incredibly tense.
"Wh-why not?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley gulped.
"Because of what happened last time, I got too....excited." Crowley muttered but Aziraphale understood every word and scooted away.
"Understood Crowley." Said Aziraphale as he hadn't realized he was affecting Crowley in such a way. The car finally started moving so Crowley had something else to focus on. "Why don't I turn on some music?" Asked Aziraphale as he opened the glove box.
"But you don't like my music?" Stated Crowley as he stopped again in traffic and growled under his breath.
"Well I'm willing to compromise for you." Said Aziraphale with a sigh as he looked through Crowley's CDs. Most of them were the exact same CD over and over. "Why do you have 8 different Best of Queen CDs?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley shrugged.
"They were all something else at one point or another but over time they all just kinda turned into my favorite CD." Said Crowley as he finally got out of the traffic jam by turning the corner. Aziraphale continued to search until finally he found something that peaked his interest, he had found it at the very bottom of the pile almost wedged between the seams of the inside of the glovebox. It was a blank CD case on first inspection but then he flipped it over and saw the words For Aziraphale written across the case in black ink. The writing was old so Crowley had had this a long time which definitely peaked at Aziraphale's interest. Crowley glanced over and saw him holding it. "Give me that Angel!" Crowley barked as he reached over while still driving.
"Why, it has my name on it?" Asked Aziraphale as he scooted away out of Crowley's reach. "What is it?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley huffed.
"Nothing." Crowley stated as Aziraphale took the CD out of its case.
"If it's nothing then why don't we listen to it?" Aziraphale suggested as he put in the CD. The music started playing and Aziraphale recognized it as one of his favorite songs. Aziraphale took a closer look at the CD case and could tell something used to be written on the back but had worn away over time to become unreadable so Aziraphale waved his hand over the case and used a miracle to restore the writing. He saw the song list written on it which were all of his favorite classical selections and a small note written on the bottom.

Aziraphale, I've always wanted to tell you how I feel about you but I heard something about making a mixtape as a way to show affection so I've put all your favorite songs on this CD in hopes that one day we can listen to it together in my Bentley as we hold each other close like I've always imagined,
I love you Aziraphale always have

"Crowley?" Asked Aziraphale softly as Crowley pulled up next to the curb across the street from the bookshop.
"Yes Aziraphale?" Asked Crowley as Aziraphale placed his hand on Crowley's inner thigh, a place he had never once placed his hand before.
"Pull into the alley behind the bookshop." Stated Aziraphale as Crowley looked over at the Angel.
"W-why?" Asked Crowley as Aziraphale rubbed his middle finger against Crowley's inseam on his thigh.
"I would like to show you my affections for you in a more private setting." Said Aziraphale as Crowley did as instructed.

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