Chapter 6: Impurities are Perfection

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To those of you who read the first publication of this chapter, I'm sorry but I had to unpublish it and change it because I realized that there was a much better way to do this chapter that would make a helluva lot more sense.

Crowley's eyes shot wide open and leaped out of bed calling out for his beloved Angel. "Aziraphale! Angel!" Crowley shouted until finally he saw a  small folded note placed on his desk with a cursive title on it that read To My Love Crowley. Crowley unfolded the note and sat down at his desk. He read the note and as he read each word tears dripped from his eyes onto the page. "He's gone..." Said Crowley as he took a breath and rubbed his eyes wiping away the tears.

Aziraphale was only gone a week before he showed up again on Earth. He met Crowley at St. James Park and instead of their typical casual meeting Crowley ran up to him and kissed him. "I missed you so much! How did you get away?" Asked Crowley as Aziraphale sighed.
"I didn't, I explained our situation to the Metatron and he decided that since you're not exactly affiliated with Hell it would be alright if I come back down here every once and a while to see you so long as you don't get in the way of my duties." Said Aziraphale with a very pleased smile.
"That sounds oddly nice of them." Said Crowley as Aziraphale sighed.
"Well this is just an agreement between the Metatron and I, he seems to be the only Angel up there that even remotely tolerates my relationship with you but surprisingly he insisted that I may stay down here on Earth and continue my Supreme Arch Angel duties down here." Said Aziraphale with a smile as Crowley nodded and sat down on the bench they were standing in front of. "I thought you would be happy?" Asked Aziraphale as he sat down next to Crowley.
"Oh don't think that I'm not, I'm glad there's no one standing in our way but..." Crowley stopped and thought about it for a moment. "It just doesn't feel like they're telling you everything, it seems like the Metatron has some ulterior motives for us being together." Said Crowley as Aziraphale sighed.
"Well at the moment I really don't care what their reasons are for not wanting to tear us apart, I love you Crowley and I don't want to ever leave you again whether to protect you or not." Said Aziraphale as he held Crowley's hands.
"Yeah what the hell! Let's just enjoy us, Angel." Said Crowley as he kissed the Angel softly. Though he agreed with Aziraphale's blind sentiment he still had his suspicions of the ones upstairs.

The two went back to the bookshop and as they walked in the door Crowley took Aziraphale's note out of his breast pocket and looked over at Aziraphale. "So what was this big surprise you couldn't tell me in written form?" Asked Crowley as he held up the letter and Aziraphale paused not looking at him.
"Right, that." Said Aziraphale as he swallowed out of nerves. "You might want to sit for this." Said Aziraphale as Crowley nodded and grabbed a chair.
"Alright." Said Crowley as he sat down. Aziraphale took a breath and turned.
"So you remember the first time we made love?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley nodded. "Well after that I felt different, in a good way but different nonetheless." Said Aziraphale as Crowley nodded.
"Well I felt different too, just finally being able to be with you was so-"
"Not what I'm talking about, Crowley." Said Aziraphale as he looked down and took another breath.
"So um after that night, I felt this feeling of love much like you did but there was something else, a deeper warmer feeling inside. At the time I couldn't explain it but the longer I felt it the more it made sense to me what it actually was." Said Aziraphale as he stopped and he couldn't say it.
"Angel it's fine, what you're feeling, I feel it too. That warm fuzzy feeling right here." Said Crowley as he stood and put his hand on Aziraphale's chest.
"Lower..." Said Aziraphale as he Crowley looked over his glasses at him in shock.
"What?" Asked Crowley as he looked at Aziraphale with a lost expression.
"I think I might be pregnant." Said Aziraphale as Crowley blinked and just stared at him with this wide eyed expression. A few minutes went by of pure unutterable silence they just sat there. Aziraphale was terribly nervous to ask Crowley just if he was ok let alone what he thought of all this, Aziraphale was happy to think he was with child but he worried that Crowley wouldn't share his sentiment.    Finally after 10 minutes had gone by and Crowley hadn't even moved Aziraphale started to worry. "Crowley are you alright?" Asked Aziraphale finally in a soft almost silent voice as he was trying not to cry. Crowley finally blinked and took off his glasses to rub his eyes.
"Are you sure?" He finally spoke in a soft gentle kind of way.
"I have no evidence but the way I feel." Said Aziraphale as softly as Crowley took a slow shaky breath.
"Well then let's be certain." Said Crowley as he put his glasses back on and walked over to the door.
"Where are you going?" Asked Aziraphale as he assumed the worst, that Crowley was leaving him to deal with this all by himself.
"We need to be certain so I'll be right back and I mean that Angel." Said Crowley like he knew what Aziraphale was thinking.
"I trust you, Crowley." Said Aziraphale as Crowley turned his head and lowered his glasses just enough to reveal his eyes to Aziraphale and surprisingly though he had last seen those piercing yellow snake eyes filled with panic and fear now they were soft and completely calm and that reassured the Angel that his Demon wasn't going to leave him like this.
"I trust you too Angel." Said Crowley as he looked at Aziraphale then slid his shades back on over his face and stepped out of the shop the last thing being heard was the ding of the bell above the door then everything fell completely silent.

As Aziraphale anxiously awaited Crowley's return he went upstairs into the kitchen and made himself some Chamomile tea hoping to soothe his frightened mind. As he took a sip of his tea and finally felt some resemblance of calm he heard the front door downstairs go off. "Angel!" Called Crowley as Aziraphale called back.
"Upstairs!" Said Aziraphale as he felt himself steady a bit more knowing Crowley had come back. Crowley came into the kitchen with a small paper bag in hand. Crowley tipped over the paper bag and dumped its contents onto a table. Inside was a small box of home pregnancy tests which Aziraphale stared at intently. "You want me to-?" Aziraphale asked as Crowley nodded.
"Yep, we need proof and this is the way we're going to get it." Said Crowley as Aziraphale huffed and looked at his tea.
"You only want proof to prove I'm wrong." Said Aziraphale as Crowley quickly took off his glasses and glared at him.
"Is that really what you think!?" Barked Crowley as he was actually very hurt by Aziraphale's remark.
"Yeah but you didn't exactly act like you were happy, how was I supposed to know that you weren't regretting everything?!" Said Aziraphale as he was starting to get emotional.
"For your information I have fantasized about this happening to us since 1950!" Crowley growled at him as Aziraphale's lip quivered as he knew what Crowley was talking about but still didn't understand.
"Then why do you need proof, why don't you believe me?" Asked Aziraphale as Crowley softened.
"Because I've wanted this for so long and I didn't even think it was a possibility for us so the mere thought that I could be proven right terrifies me so I need to know that I'm wrong Angel! Please prove me wrong!" Crowley begged as Aziraphale nodded.
"Gladly." Said Aziraphale as he took the tests and went into the bathroom. He came out and the two waited for the results.

The memory Crowley spoke of was one that didn't mean much to Aziraphale but meant the world to Crowley and the Angel had no idea until now. It was London, December 1950 and the Second World War had ended in the last few years and the country was finally moving on. One evening after a wonderful dinner for the Angel and Demon the two walked down the street back to the Bentley when suddenly Aziraphale stopped. "What is it?" Asked Crowley as he turned to see Aziraphale smiling at something.
"Look at those children so they're so happy to play in the snow, doesn't it just warm your heart?" Asked Aziraphale as he placed his hand on his chest. Crowley stood next to him watching a bunch of kids have a snow ball fight, the sound of their laughter filled the air and Aziraphale just beamed with joy. Crowley watched him for a moment then looked at him.
"Do you ever think of having one of those?" Asked Crowley as Aziraphale became very confused.
"What? No!" Said Aziraphale as Aziraphale as Crowley rolled his eyes.
"Not with me!" Crowley lied as that is what he was asking but didn't think Aziraphale would ever want that. "I don't even think that's possible." Crowley muttered under his breath as that was the truth and why he only considered this question a hypothetical. "I just mean in general, you know we could procreate with humans." Said Crowley as Aziraphale was taken by surprise.
"We can?!" Asked Aziraphale softly as Crowley nodded.
"Oh yeah, that's why the Horsemen Plague "retired", I heard about it back during the Black Plague times, apparently he fell in love with this woman who eventually got sick so to save her life he got her pregnant with his child and that prolonged her life for a bit but after the kid was born Hell was furious so they sent up basically a demonic hitman and killed it then after a few centuries of being childless he retired unable to cope working for the people that had his son killed." Said Crowley as Aziraphale was horrified.
"My god that's horrible! But then again that is your lot's job." Said Aziraphale as Crowley nodded.
"But my point is we have the possibility so if you ever had the chance and your lot wouldn't insist that the child be killed like mine so, would you ever consider it?" Asked Crowley as Aziraphale huffed.
"Well hypothetically if there were no consequences to such an action, I would actually very much consider being a father." Said Aziraphale as he smiled at the thought and that made Crowley love him even more but made him sad because he didn't think it could ever happen for them though like he said he had fantasies about if it could be.

Now Aziraphale and Crowley sat here together with the true answer in hand begging for this to be true. "Crowley..." Said Aziraphale softly.
"We have a baby..." Crowley said as he took off his glasses and looked at Aziraphale.
"We do..." Said Aziraphale as he looked at Crowley tears in his eyes. Crowley just slowly hugged Aziraphale.
"We have a baby." Said Crowley as hugged Aziraphale tightly.
"Yes we really do!" Said Aziraphale as he smiled and hugged Crowley. They held each other for a while until the initial shock and joy of finding out about this miraculous pregnancy wore away and the thought of the consequences struck Aziraphale like a bolt of lightning. "Crowley what does this mean for Heaven and Hell?" Aziraphale as he began to fear the worst and Crowley shared the fear.
"I'm not quite sure." Said Crowley as the two just stared at each other.

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