Chapter 1: royally screwed

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 Note: this is not my story, I saw it was removed from Wattpad and decided to put it back* 

 Credit to Exolexact



 Swearing under her breath, she ran as fast as she possibly could, tearing down the empty hallway and past ongoing classes. Of all the days to be late, it just had to be when she had business first thing Monday morning.

 Skidding to a halt, her lungs burned from lack of oxygen. Every inhale felt like a sharp stab to (Y/N's) chest, swallowing once, she hesitantly rapped her knuckles on the door.

 The devil answered.

 Slowly opening the door, at least 30 pairs of eyes turned to greet her, gazes searing through the girl's skin. She slipped into the classroom, eyes glued to the floor, well aware of the intimidating stare that was hotly drilling holes into her body from the front of the classroom. 

 "Would you please kindly explain to me why you are eight minutes late, (L/N)?"

 A flinch crossed her face, the low, cold voice making her shuffle her feet anxiously as a shiver ran down her spine. "I'm really sorry sir, the bus was delayed today."

 "I will not tolerate tardiness regardless of the reason, if you won't arrive on time then don't bother showing up at all," snapped the voice once again cruelly.

 She finally looked up, meeting the icy golden eyes of her Business teacher. Mr. Stark, the most ruthless teacher in the entire school, known for his strictness and absolute control in his classroom. He was feared just as much as he was respected, being an excellent teacher in his subject, however he was quick to anger if something wasn't going his way. 

 The bespectacled man absolutely loathed when his rules were broken. Especially the lack of punctuality. "Stop holding up the class and take a seat already," he said sternly, a scowl marring his handsome features.

 "Yes sir". Muttering quietly, (Y/N) went to take a seat in her designated place, pointedly ignoring the pitying glances she received from her classmates. 

 "Tough luck bro" whispered Brendan from behind her, giving her a sad pat on the shoulder as the brunette man turned his back on the class, continuing to write notes and explanations.

Grumbling to herself, she unpacked her bag. "I should have skipped this class." The eccentric male scooted closer with his desk, carefully making sure he wasn't making too much noise.

 "Maybe," he agreed, keeping his voice low. "But you can't deny that Mr. Stark isn't hot when he gets mad."

  "At my expense?"

 Brendan chuckled evilly. "Especially at your expense. Thanks to you, we get to see him all commanding and sexy."

 She rolled her eyes, grumpily eyeing the brunette man. "He's mean and cruel."

 "And hot."

 Turning around in her seat, she was met a cheeky smile and mischievous eyes. Brendan was almost radiating with energy. Inclining his head, his voice dropped. "You can't argue with me, I know you see it too."

 Shaking her head, (Y/N) gave an almost exasperated sigh. "Honestly, you're a masochist, aren't you? Only you would be attracted to a man who always has a stick up his ass."

Brendan's smile dropped, eyes widening comically. His gaze flickered to somewhere behind her and in that moment, she knew - her demise had come.

 "I see that not only can't you arrive on time, but you also have no problem with disrupting the class and insulting your teachers." Closing her eyes, she sent a quick prayer to the heavens before turning around to find dark golden eyes trained on her fiercely.

Mr. Stark stood in front of his desk, the entire class watching with bated breath as the predator eyed its prey with intent to kill. (Y/N) sank further into her seat, her heart speeding up from the dangerous aura emanating from her Business teacher.

 Mentally screaming, she lost all ability of speech, seeing as how the way he was coldly staring at her down through his nose, wasn't helping the situation at all. Arching a delicate brunette eyebrow, Mr. Stark lips tugged into a malicious smirk. "I see you're also incapable of responding when spoken to."

Flushing hotly, her jaw tensed from embarrassment, humiliation coursing through her veins. "I'm sorry sir," she gritted through clenched teeth. "It won't happen again." 

 He remained quiet for a moment, studying her closely before replying. "That won't be necessary because you will be joining me after school for detention. Maybe you'll finally learn some manners through the punishment."

With a sneer, the bespectacled man swiftly turned around, striding smoothly to the front of the class. No one dared to even breathe, in fear of the directing the man's anger onto them.

(Y/N) was fuming to herself, furious was an understatement to how she was currently feeling after that display. Wanting nothing more than to wipe that conceding smile off his infuriating face, her finger itched to wrap around his throat and strangle the life out of him.

"Damn that was so hot I nearly came right there and then" whispered Brendan, leaning closer to make his dirty input heard. "Man, you're so screwed, aren't you?"

She had to shove the urge to slam her face against the desk and scream her lungs out.

He was right because she - was royally and utterly screwed.

Teachers betOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora