Dead and Gone

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Am I dead?

Please let me not be dead!

I'm not even 18. I haven't even gotten my driver's license or had a boyfriend.

I know that's embarrassing but I mean come on, if you are about to die at 16 wont you be thinking this?

Then my eyelids slid open and I see a white coat over me with the name Tom Harris on it. Funny, I read a book with that name on it.

I look up and see a fairly old man with wrinkles smiling at me looking pleased with himself.

'Hello, dear! You seem to be bleeding from the mouth so I suggest you don't answer back.'

Wasn't planning to. I am thinking.

I cannot feel anything near or even on my lip, and I am not graced with the privilege of a mirror. So, I continue to stare at him, doing nothing.

My father is not in the room, and by room I mean a navy-blue painted room with a plastic chair pushed to the back and a white ceiling. There is dust and cobwebs hanging on an old fan in the middle of the room. There is even dust at the corner of my eyes, as if dust was falling on me as I slept. Unfortunately, I knew the place.

St. Damian Hospital.

I have no idea who St. Damien is, but I don't think the dude would be chill when he saw the place named after him. Poor dude.

Anyway, the man, Tom Harris, which I think is a very ridiculous name by the way, continues to stare at my mouth, but he doesn't come near me or try to fix it or anything. I am very worried right now. I try to recall what happened.

The boy was laughing at me, and then...

I dashed out of the building, hoping that he was too tired to follow. Luckily he doesn't follow, and I start sprinting again to the apartment, thinking that there were a lot more to hide under in there.

As I walk through the front the door, I see blue sirens in the air, grunting and panting. Then someone knocks me over and I fall unconscious...

Something really heavy hit me in the garden and I fell. What did he do, throw a big rock at me? No, it felt more like the boy had run himself into me. But there were police lights right? The police couldn't have possibly let him hack me into a sack and leave, right?

Please let me be right.

Of course, I was wrong.

The boy came in and shut the door behind him. His brown eyes began to asses me, before moving on to the doctor.

'She's fine?' he asked him, he seemed to not be in a very good mood.

'Yes sir, though she may not be able to talk for a minute or two, but her back is stitched and her arms were only scarred a bit.'

My eyes widened. What happened to my back!

I try to stretch to touch it but yelp as my arms is now on fire. Then my mouth suddenly feels like it is stretching and tearing apart. Oh god.

Stupid girl, you weren't supposed to speak. I hear someone say.

There are suddenly tears in my eyes, but I refuse to let them drop even though the pain seems to expand all over my body. What the hell happened to my mouth.

As all this is going on, the doctor is simply pressing his laptop and the boy is simply watching me. Then he walks up to my bed and pushes a button right on the edge of my bed. A pill appears in his hand. Then he gets a cup that sits on the floor near where the doctor is and picks a transparent plastic cup with a big tumbler of water then pours the water into the cup. He drops the tumbler and gives the cup and drug to me.

Though I am still in pain, I raise my eyebrow at him.

'Painkillers.' he mutters like I'm an idiot.

I roll my eyes. I knew what they were, but the guy just fucking kidnapped me. There was no way i was taking drugs from him.

The pain in my mouth flared again and i wretched, clutching my mouth. Devon raises his head at me and gestures towards the pills.

I sigh inwardly and take them, not standing the pain anymore. Then a warm rush fills my body and I suddenly feel numb, like before, but instead of only my mouth my entire body.

'I can... talk now.' I mutter, afraid that pain will hit me again.

'Yeah, long enough for it to heal I guess.'

The boy was still studying me. 'What now?'

He frowned. 'I don't know.'

I roll my eyes. 'I don't mean you and your own problems, I couldn't have cared less about those. I mean what's going to happen to me?'

He looks down at me. 'As I said before, I don't know.'

Defeated, I lie down, my head resting on the soft feathery pillow. 'So how long am I to stay here.'

'Until we can transport you to Yenni. That will take a week at most.'

I gulp. 'But what about my dad? And the police, I could have sworn...'

'Sorry honey, but as far as your dad and the media's concerned, your dead and gone.'

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