First Day

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Namjoon woke up at 6 in the morning.
It was his first day the husband to six people.
He was scared, nervous and extremely regretting some of his life choices.
He pulled him self together however, showered and got dressed, and went to the dining hall.

Jin was helping the maids dish out the food.
Just by the smell of it Namjoon could tell Jin had cooked the food himself.

He crept up behind him and snaked an arm around his waist.
Jin stiffened for a second, then leant into his touch.
"Morning", he said softly.
Namjoon kissed him in the cheek.
"Did you sleep well?"

Jin's mind drifted to his little stakeout on Taehyung and Jimin.
He decided against telling Namjoon since it was a trivial matter.

"I slept alright. How about you?"
"Not too good. My mind kept going over different scenarios and I was...I was so overwhelmed. I still don't know how I'm meant to go about this".

Jin turned so he could cup Namjoon's face in his hands.
"Remember that you're not alone in this. I don't think any of us have ever been married to six people at once. We're all apprehensive and anxious. So don't beat yourself up about it".

Namjoon hugged Jin tight.
"Where would I be without you Jinnie?"
"Broken and breaking everything else I expect", Jin chuckled.

Taehyung coughed, done with the PDA.
"You know hyungs, it's not like the PDA is too much, I'm just loosing my appetite".

Jin blushed and moved away from Namjoon

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Jin blushed and moved away from Namjoon.

"Come on Tae, have a heart, it's cute".

Namjoon and Jin had no idea how Jimin had gotten here without them noticing

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Namjoon and Jin had no idea how Jimin had gotten here without them noticing.

Jin had double reason to be embarrassed since two of his dongsaengs had just seen his romance play out, but instead of being awkward and shy like he usually was, he found himself being put at ease almost immediately by Jimin's offhand nature.

Jimin took a seat beside Tae and poured himself a glass of water.

"So hi, my name is Jimin, nice to meet you guys, I'm this crackheads bestie and a complete material boy and sass queen".

Namjoon blinked.
"Sass queen? You??"

"Don't get me wrong, you just look

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"Don't get me wrong, you just look.... innocent".
Taehyung nearly choked on air.
"Him? Innocent?? Then I'm an ancient king with a monkey as a wife and a pinkie ring made of gold".

Jimin's eyes went wide.
"Me? What are you trying to say?!"
"Umm...that you're dirty minded, duh".

"You see, this is my reward. I walked through snow to go to your castle and olay with you, and fought monsters for you, and suddenly I'm the bad guy!"
"Child, you came in a carriage of gold everyday and swam in the pool even during winter".
"Lies!" Jimin gasped.

Jin found himself chuckling at their cute banter. Even Namjoon had to grin.

Their company was joined by Jungkook, truly looking like he had just woken up. His hair was a bird's nest and his doe eyes looked even larger as he forced them to stay open.

"Hi.." he mumbled.
Jimin smiled fondly.
"Kook isn't really a morning person".
Jungkook took the seat on his right and Jimin smoothed back his hair for him.

"What time did you fall asleep last night?"
"I dunno..three-ish something".
Before Jimin could ask why, Jin beat him to it.
"I was..umm...doing a puzzle. And riddle or two...or five".

Jimin sighed.
"He's obsessed with games and sports of all kinds".
(Video games weren't a thing back then, so imma stick with the basics).

Before any one could blink, Jin's instinct surpassed him and he pulled Jungkook's ear.
"Yah! You can't stay up all night playing games and missing out on sleep!! You need energy to function!! It'll ruin your eyes, and you'll be blinder than a sasquatch by the time you're my age!!"

Jungkook and Jimin just blinked.

"So from now on you go to bed by midnight, highest!"

"I'm not a baby!" Jungkook whined.
Jin scoffed.
"Yh, definitely not, but you are my husband and my duty is to look after you, and I am your hyung, so I have every right. Understood?"

Jungkook reluctantly nodded.
Jin eyed him.
"I mean yes hyung".

Jin beamed and let go.

Jimin leaned to Namjoon.
"Is he like...bipolar?"
Namjoon nodded.

Before anyone else could talk, Hoseok suddenly came downstairs.
"Help, Yoongi's not getting up".

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