Missing Mama

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Rose: 17
Jodie: 7

Lizzie had just recently finished up filming for her series 'love and death', and she now had three more projects planned to start soon, with two beginning at the start of this week. So it's safe to say she had been really busy. Scarlett for the moment wasn't working on anything, she has one movie coming up but it hasn't required endless and exhausting hours like previous projects have, or like her wife's were for the moment. This has meant that Scarlett has been taking care of their two daughters, Rose and Jo. Naturally with Jo being quite young, she has missed her mother; however, she's quite easily entertained and distracted, plus she has her mom to give her all the comfort she desires from a mother. It's not quite the same for Rose, she's definitely old enough to understand that her mama is struggling, seeing as she rarely sees her but Lizzie does sleep at home. It just turns out that she leaves before the girls get up in the morning and she comes back when they're already asleep.

Rose loves both of her mothers, they're incredible parents, but she admires how each of their connections are different. She often spends time gossiping with Scarlett about everything that's going on in her life, they like to snuggle up and watch movies, and play games with Jo. But Ro relies on Lizzie for the deeper topics. Her and her mama share a similar mindset in that sense, they think in a very similar way, and they're both massive overthinkers. Essentially Rose is a mini Elizabeth and Jodie is a mini Scarlett.

Lizzie can read Rose, they get eachother, and right now Rose is missing her mama more than ever. She knows she could go to her mom, but it just felt unnatural.

Like the one time when Jo was being picked on in school and some of the girls were saying mean things, depsite Lizzie being the one to pick the kids up, Jo didn't break until she got home to her mother.

It was just the family dynamic, it's how their life works. They all spend time together and feel a lot of love for the entire family. But Jo has a problem, and she has Scarlett, likewise for Ro and Lizzie.

Now Rose has ran into a problem lately, and that's the fact that she has started having panic attacks. It's not really a surprise to the girl, she's her mother's twin, and has had anxiety for a while now. But without her favourite person to help guide her through, she's struggling to navigate it.

It wasn't until today when Scarlett noticed something was up.

She had been so caught up in worrying about her wife since she so rarely gets to spend time with her, and often found herself lying awake at night just watching the love of her life sleep, because it's the only time she truly felt like she was there with her. Yes, she may be sleeping, but Scarlett knows she needs her rest, so she never wakes her, rather snuggles into her providing all the comfort she can for the few hours of the day she gets to hold her wife in her arms.

She got up this morning to a cold and empty bed once again, shortly making her way to her youngest's bedroom to get her up for school. Jo's always a ray of sunshine in the morning, she has no problem with letting her mom wake her up and get her out of bed. She loves the mornings. So Scarlett always decides to get her little monkey up first.

S: "Hi sunshine, time to get up."

J: "Mm morning mommy."

S: "Goodmorning sweet girl. It's a little late today, so can I leave you to get dressed so I can wake Rosie up?"

Jo nods at her mother in response, a goofy grin on her face as Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to her youngest's cheek and then heading to go wake her eldest.

Opening the door to Rose's room, Scarlett smiles at her baby laying on her side all snuggled up in multiple blankets. She frowns a little seeing one of her wife's jumpers wrapped up with those blankets, but doesn't question it as she shakes Rose a little to wake her up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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