The Deathrow line

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Last guy 2. Mike had a girlfriend who was using him for money.But when he found out he was furious he thought they were going to have a great future.He found out that his expensive things started to go missing and she always comes to talk to Mike only when Milly his girlfriend wanted some money. So he slowly started to release that she was using him.So he did something that he would never think of...
he waited till she came back from being shopping with her friends. He waited and waited and waited till he heard the door open and he got her to go up stairs he said "stay up here I have a special surprise" and Milly said "ok".he went down stairs and got the chain saw from his garage and went back up stairs and he told Milly to close her eyes and put her hand out and she did and he put handcuffs on her and her feet.Then turned on the chain saw and then cruelly killed her by putting the chain saw slowly through her body and let her bleed to death.The neighbors heard Milly screaming and they were going to call the police so he ran into the house and killed them both the same cruel way how he killed Milly. "This is how I got in Deathrow".

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