pt. 3 Sleep over

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trigger warning [scars, blood, injury.]

Travis's pov
I showed up at his apartment, well for what one of the tenants told me. That this was one was his the green door changing in front of me as I was very hesitant to even knock on the door but yet I did I- I knocked, the lengthen wait of someone answer the door anticipated me looking down at my appearance having the sweater I had be wearing had been in shreds, my hair covering what damage that was made, There was then a slowing of the door opening and its was sal.. "Hey." the look on his face could show every emotion he had at the moment "come on, let's get you clean up.." he lead me to the bathroom and started dabbing my eye with a cold rag "ow.." "sorry" "no its fine" with each word he side it was like he genuinely felt sorry, he wrapped my knee trying to be care to not brush up against what head already been done. "I know it's a lot to ask but, could I probably..stay the night?." "of course" I sighed with relief knowing that I'm safe, now help me to his living room he sat me down, it seem with each touch he had on my was gentle know how it felt like he knew how much I was hurting at the time "I'm-" holding my hands he looked up at me with adoring eye "Travis you don't have to apologize.." giving a soft sigh I look back to him "do you want to talk about it?.." "not- right now.." "it's okay, I just want to be able help okay?.." "you don't have too.." "I know, but with the call and not know what your going through I just- it seems like going through a lot right now, i just want you to know that I get it. There can be ruff patches and you might feel alone but your not I'm here for you I smiled to him

Sal's pov
It was relieving that he was smiling now "do you want to watch a movie or something?" Travis: "sure.." I when to vhs player and looked at the movies "we havveee, Star Wars, Jurassic park, E.T and ghostbusters" Travis:"mmmm, E.T?" "okay!" I put the tape in as the TV filched on with the playing screen I sat next him again grabbing the remote playing the movie

Sal's POV
After a while I could tell that Travis was starting to fall asleep slightly waking himself up every time there was a important part of the movie, with every second that went by I could slowly feel my eyes shut growing heavier and heavier and soon enough I was doing the same. Trying my best to say up throw the whole hour and fifty-five minutes but I just couldn't help my self. closing my eyes only for just a few minutes, what felt like a minute ended up being half the night. I could hear soft foot steps in the distance or was it closer ? with the yellow light that dimmed I could tell I was in the hospital again. I heard a voice that was not mine softly speaking to me as I tried to get up I could not move yet I could see everything the lights, yellowing of the white wallpaper the blood stained off the floor seeing that she was in destressed, seeing here lips moving in the slights i could read them "sally" over and over until she was yelling there was a pattern, I could then feel a part of my face start to drip, it was thick and vile this was when I could actually pick up my body the slight t look at what was there gave a swarming s of pain shocking throw me...just the look of my mother as I looked at my fingers as it lingered with the red thick liquid was in discussed.. that when I heard someone call my name I looked to her but she was speechless it got louder and louder...until the shock of the call got me to wake up, Travis knelled into me as I go to touch my face there were tear which some was mixed with blood "Sally. I'm so sorry-" "I-it okay I'm fine really-" "here I get some band aids or something!" He seem frantic as immediately go up to the bathroom which left me in a very confused manner was it a dream a vision? There getting worse but I never knew they would be this bad..

As I ran to the bathroom I started questioning every little thing did I Perhaps accidentally pushed them off?? Or maybe it was a hit from the couch?? the couches in his apartment weren't that soft so it could be possibility "where are?!" I then spotted the med kit they had handy. again frantically going back to them sitting there with confused all over they're face I couldn't help but frown at them seeing as the blood dripped down from they're forehead down to there face into there hand "here" I slightly press the cloth against his skin my grip losing off them as they slow dabbed it onto the injury, With the blood soaking up showing the soft scar that was left it made me ache inside knowing they were hurt. "Trav I'm fine" "Sally.." I slight reached to they're hand softly taking the cloth down from they're face.

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