Episode 00: Disgrace

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"Get out of this house you fucking lesbian!" A man yelled, He threw clothes and shoes at a young lady named "Anatchaya Suputhipong" But we like to call her Natty.

"Dad come on, are you really going to kick me out" Natty asked with a voice crack. All the years she had spend with her dad, She couldn't believe he would do this.

"Yes, I'm going to kick you out!" Her dad responded pushing her out the house. All of this just caused sounds and that intrigued someone.

A young looking women came from the kitchen to see where the sound came from. The women came closer to the man and pushed him.

"What are you doing! Are you going to kick her out because she's a lesbian?" The women asked, hitting the man with more force.

"Honey, stay out of this" The dad replied, taking her hands of him. That made the women even more angry.

"Don't you dare call me honey, I am not your fucking honey. Those little sluts who you've been fucking is your honey now" The woman said pointing her fingers at him. She went to Natty who was on the floor-asking if she was okay.

"Mom, I'm fine...." Natty uttered, moving her face from her mom.

"No your not" The mom spoke, fixing her daughters hair. She could believe her so called "Husband" would do something like that to their own daughter.

"MOM!" Natty said, slightly raising her voice. "I'm fine, I'll just leave the house" Natty adds on, biting the inside of her cheeks.

The mom couldn't fight back to have her stay, She knew the consequences that she would get from her Husband.

Natty looked at her-tilting her head as an ask of approval. The mom slowly looked at her with tears streaming down her face, She nodded giving Natty approval.

"LEE HYORI GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE" Mr.Lee yelled, grabbing his wife shirt and pulling her back in the house.

The door slammed on natty and plates crashing on the floor could be heard. Most of the lights turned off but the upstairs light was still on.

Natty was still on the floor-head down as she was ashamed of herself. She picked up her clothes that were near her and puts it in a backpack. The clothes that were far away, She crawled to pick them up too.

Some minutes have passed and all of her belongings were in a backpack and suitcase.

Now, where would Natty stay at? Everyone seemed busy in their life's and she doesn't even have any friends. Also, she still has to go back to school.

Natty threw her head back in anger, Why did she have to tell them about her sexuality. Her eyes slowly widened as she remember something.

Natty opened the second zip of her backpack and remembered she had stole 500k from her dads closet.

Now, most of you guys are wondering-why did she steal her daddy's money? Well, it's a long story, we'll save that for another chapter.

"Fuck, what am I gonna do with this money.." Natty spoke, scratching the back of her head as she didn't know what to do.

Natty picked up her backpack and suitcase before standing up. She looked around the street to find a small area to stay, But there was nothing. She closed her eyes and cursed in her head.

Natty walked forward on the crunchy sidewalk, she stopped waiting for the light to turn green so she could cross.

As natty got to the second street, She sat on a bench and waited for the bus to come.

"Why does life always turn against me" Natty asked, looking at the sky in search for answers.

The silence was so loud, it must had been her answer.

However, that silence was interrupted as some shoes were heard coming towards natty.

Natty looked to the side to see where the sound was coming from, and her eyes met a woman who looked around her age.

They both met eye contact, maintaining it for a while.

Natty was the one to look away first, What a pussy move.

"You waiting for the bus?" The girl suddenly asked as she sat down.

"Yeah, are you?" Natty responded fidgeting with her fingers.

"Well no, I just wanted a place to sit and think" The girl replied pulling out a cigarette from her pocket.

Natty watches as the girl lit up her cigarette and placed only a part of it in her mouth-Leaving the tip hanging. Once she inhaled with the cigarette still in her mouth, She pulled it out her mouth and exhale.

Now, it wouldn't be lie if Natty got turned on.

"Uhm, is this how you think?" Natty asked, trying to get rid of the awkward air between them.

"Yeah, is it bothering you?" The girl asked, She shifted her position to face Natty. One of her eyebrows raised and head cocked to the side.

"No, I don't have any problems" Natty quickly said, waving her hands as in a no matter. The girl laughed at Natty's reaction-threw her cigarette on the ground and stomped on it, twisting it.

Again, Silence filled the air, no one dared to even open their mouth to speak. But thankfully the bus pulled up in-front of the bus stop.

"Well, this is my bus" Natty said, getting up with her belongings in her hands. She walked closer to the bus about to get it but a voice stopped her.

"I've never got your name?" The girl suddenly asked. "But if you want to know my name, it's Julie" The girl added on.

Natty looked at her for a while, contemplating wether she should give the girl so called named "Julie" her name. A span of silence was there only for 5 seconds.

Fuck it, just tell her the name.

"My name is Natty"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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