Just a Short Juice Break :]

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"It no work!" Avery yelled, throwing the block at the ground. The poor 3 year old boy was stressing over a block of wood. Oh, what one would do to go back to those times.

"Hey-" Devon said as he spun around in his black and red gaming chair to look at his son. He felt so bad for the kid. He was an awful parent, and his genetics were making it worse. He never really wanted a biological kid. Really severe depression and other mental issues ran in his family, and he didn't want to put a defenseless kid through that if he didn't have to. Unfortunately, there was no way around it in his situation. "Buddy, what's wrong?"

"Stupid block!" Avery pouted, throwing another block at the ground, starting to tear up. Devon could see the issue. The poor kid's tower wasn't going his way. In fact, he only got three blocks up before it failed. Devon motioned for Avery to come closer.

"Avery, throwing the blocks isn't going to make them any smarter, I'm sorry. Come here. Daddy will show you how to build towers after he's done with work, okay? How does that sound? Juice box break?"

Avery waddle-walked over towards Devon, and Devon picked him up, setting Avery on his lap. His camera and mic were still on. He forgot to turn them off. His audience loved these moments though, so they would understand. Devon hated putting his kid out for the world to see. He wanted Avery to decide if he wanted to be on camera or not, but you could only do so much with a 3 year old boy in a house full of 6 other streamers. Devon gave Avery a sympathetic smile and gave him a big hug. Avery hugged back as much as he could with his weak little arms.

"Do you want mommy? I can get mommy for you if you want me to," Devon said, trying to lay out simple options for him.

Avery just shook his head. "Where my juice?"

Devon chuckled, remembering that he *just* promised a juice box break. "Yeah, yeah, we'll go get your juice box. What flavor do you want this time?" Devon asked, holding Avery to prepare himself to get up. Devon made dad noises while getting up, trying to lift both himself and his kid at the same time. Not because he was heavy, just a subconscious thing.

"Gwape!" Avery exclaimed, preparing himself for the best snack of the day. Devon walked out of the room, not even bothering to pause his stream. His child always came first, and his stream would get in the way of Avery's precious snack break.

"Alright, we'll get you some grape juice, and how about some crackers too?" Devon asked Avery, already knowing the answer as he walked out of his streaming room.

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