The Adventures of Bing Bong and Bongo

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Jay, a ten year old boy, was sitting in the forest admiring the way the leaves blocked out the sun so perfectly. It made funny patterns of light on the ground that tickled the blonde boy's brain just the right way. Sitting on the boy's lap was an orange cat with a white tummy and darker orange streaks. His main feature was his little white sock-like paws, thus his name "Sock".

Suddenly, disrupting all of the previously established peace and serenity, the ground began to shake. Directly in front of the boy, the grassy dirt began to lift, and something under it started to reveal itself. That was when a door knob could be seen, rising with the rest of the figure. It seemed to be a door, but why here? In the middle of nowhere? When the door stopped rising, Jay stood up cautiously to approach the door. He hadn't even noticed that Sock had jumped off of him when the ground began to shake. Jay reached for the handle, the cat hiding behind his leg.

The door flew open, sending loose leaves flying and Jay as well. Well, not exactly. Jay fell back onto the ground behind him, half catching himself so he wouldn't fall flat, while Sock jumped to the side. When the leaves seemed to settle, Jay opened his eyes, expecting something to be there, but it was just an open door in a decorated door frame, showing the same forest on the other side. Jay seemed confused, reaching to stick his arm through the door from his sitting position on the ground out of curiosity. When nothing changed or felt different on the other side, he shrugged, leaning back to his original position before turning his head to discuss the disturbance with Sock. As soon as Jay opened his mouth to speak, a figure jumped out of the door leading to nowhere.

"Hello there, Ja- ayy..?" An awkwardly tall and lanky man said enthusiastically at first, then confused. He looked around, unaware of where Jay was, when he was in fact right in front of him, on the ground by his feet. The man wore a white shirt tucked into puffy black pants. The pants were decorated with red diamond shapes, like a card. He also wore a black jacket and a gray scarf. His shoes were black with a red diamond shape on the side of each shoe. He had black hair and his face was decorated with clown-style makeup, consisting of most prominently black teardrop shapes under his eyes. Despite the monochrome style, he seemed very enthusiastic.

"We're here to pla- ayy..?" An awkwardly short, heavier woman jumped out from behind him, also just as confused to see no one. This woman wore a typical clown outfit with lots of colors, a ruffle collar, puffier striped pants, huge heart buttons down the center of her shirt, white gloves, and jingly shoes. Her hair was a purple-and pink color, and her face paint was more clownlike, featuring colorful triangles above and below her eyes.

"Where's the kid?" The woman asked the man in a whisper. Just then, the man made direct eye contact with Jay. After a few moments of silent eye contact, he jumped like Jay just scared him.

"Oh! He's right there!" The man exclaimed in a whisper voice, pointing at Jay. The woman followed his pointer finger, made eye contact with Jay for a few moments, then jumped like the man did.

"Oh!" The woman said quietly.

"You know I can hear you guys, right?" Jay spoke up, wanting to actually be included in this, despite how entertaining it was to watch. Hearing them excitedly whisper was getting a bit annoying. The two jumped in unison.

"We should start over. This time, stand up and move a few steps back." The woman said in a serious tone, waving her hands around with grand hand gestures. Jay pushed himself up to his feet and took about three big steps back, with Sock still standing close by.

"Please and thank ya!" The man said happily before nudging the woman. He apparently didn't think the serious tone was necessary, because he angrily mumbled at her as they took a big step back into the door, completely disappearing. There were a few moments of silence. Jay almost thought they wouldn't return.

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