Dinner Date Gone Wrong *Not Clickbait* **Emotional**

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Devon was getting ready for his date. Yeah, they already lived in the same house, and had a stable relationship, but they needed to get away from all the other streamers for the night. He wanted a little night off of his job. As Devon walked towards the door, he stopped to look at himself in the mirror one last time to double check his outfit choice. He was dressed up fancy in his black button up, black dress pants, black dress shoes and his basic black belt. His black hair was as nice as it could've been, and he made sure he had no bags under his eyes. When he decided he looked good enough, he left the room, ducking under the doorframe, since he was 6'8. He immediately saw Quincy. Quincy was the "father" of the household. He was one of the oldest ones in the house, and had been really good friends with Devon for a long time. Quincy cared for each and every person in that house.

"What do you think?" Devon said with his arms slightly stretched out, showing off his outfit to Quincy.

"It's a bit...plain, but it suits you. You look nice," Quincy said, after some thought. "I think Mary will love it." Quincy added briefly.

"Alright, that's all that matters. Thank you for your input," Devon said with a smile. He looked over at the bathroom door. That's where Mary was getting ready. As if she somehow heard his thoughts, she opened the door.

She was wearing a light blue dress. Not just any dress, but a tight-fitted one. The bottom of it was just above fingertip length, and her long sleeves puffed out. She was wearing a few necklaces. One had a small gold key on it, and the other one was a shiny silver chain with a small copper turquoise pendant attached. She had quite a few bracelets on her right wrist, and only a few on her left. Her rings decorated all of her fingers, including her gold wedding band. She wore white flats, and her brown, curly hair was in an intricate bun. "How do I look?"

A bit cliche, but Devon was genuinely speechless. Mary was hot already, and that outfit just made that fact stand out more. There was one flaw with this. You could see huge bruises on her legs, and a little bit of a bruise poking out of her sleeve, visible on her collarbone.

"You look wonderful, Mary. You're growing up so fast," Quincy said, clearly joking about the last part. She was already married, and they've had dates before. Mary was happy with the joke. Subconsciously, she was very happy she had a father figure here that wasn't like her own.

Devon finally spoke up. "We should probably get going now. Our reservation is set up for twenty minutes from now," he spoke, looking at Quincy instead. His voice was as soft as it could be, but that was a bit hard to do, since his voice was abnormally deep.

"Alright, do you want me to drive you? You can text me when you need to be picked up," Quincy offered. They might want something to drink, and drinking and driving isn't a safe thing.

"That would be great, thank you," Mary said happily. Quincy looked at Devon, who nodded along.

"Alright, sounds good to me. Let me go get my keys quick," Quincy said, already halfway to his room where he left them on his desk. He grabbed them and walked back. "It's going to be a little cold tonight, you guys should grab a coat," Quincy said, reaching for his coat on the coat rack. Devon grabbed a long, black, torn up, worn out trench coat. It was the only jacket that fit him decently and kept him warm. He put it on without hesitation and looked at Mary, who wasn't putting on a coat.

"Mary, which coat do you want? Because I know you won't fit in mine." Devon said plainly, offering to get her coat for her. Instead, Mary shook her head.

"I'll be okay without it. I don't want one," Mary said, seemingly proud of her decision. Devon shrugged at that. He knew that if she wanted something, there was no convincing otherwise. She'd just have to be cold.

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