5. Weird day.

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"I got you when I was 27. It was scary. Probably one of the scariest, but also the best moments of my life. When you where born, I immediately fell in love with you. You where my whole world. Your dad and I both loved you a lot. You became older and older. I still remember the day you could sit. You looked so happy and your look. As you got older, we all began to see how much you looked like me. The hair saw blonde, eyes big and blue at the beginning, but when you turned 2, they got more and more green. The smile you got from me and this stunning little voice. Nothing could make me more happy. I remember your first word. Me and your father and the rest of the family, thought it would be ether mama or dada, but we were wrong. It was dogo. Hahaha, you were literally in love with dogs. (Of course the next word you said was mama, you were always a mama girl)" Scarlett laughs "on your 3. Birthday, I wanted to get you a puppy, since you loved them so much. Your dad ignored that conversation about getting a dog, and at first I didn't understand why. But I realised it when the worst happened. It felt like my world fell apart. Like someone took happiness away from me....so basically, your dad wanted a divorce. I never knew why, but he wanted it. He hired the best lawyers and we did divorce. I thought that he just wanted divorce, but no. He also wanted you. I got a massage from my personal lawyer, saying that he wants to take you away from me. The thought of that made me cry. I didn't want to lose my happiness. You were my happiness. I tried everything, everything I could, but he won. It was right before your birthday. The next thing I knew, it was crying at the airport. I couldn't do anything. I could just watch you cry and don't wanting to go with him to spain. But you had too" scarlett stops and takes a big breath. "I fell into depression. 2 years. Didn't know how to live normally again. Everyday I tried to get you back, but it didn't help. 3 years has passed and I'm still trying. Not changed. I requested if I could at least see you or meet you, but your dad didn't let me. As all this was going on, I meet Roses dad. He seemed nice. Then I was pregnant. I didn't know if I liked it or not. It just reminded me of you. Anyway, Rose came, and it was okay. It felt weird. Me and Roses dad divorced and the first thing that came to mind was, I can't lose another baby. Happily her dad and I came to the conclusion of sharing the custody of her. So Rose is mostly here, but also with her dad about every second month. Even though I had Rose, I missed you. I wanted you back. And I tried, but the only thing I got was meeting you ONE time when Rose was born. When you came here, you looked different. I don't know how to describe it, but you weren't the little happy mama girl. You kept your distance. That broke my hart. The best thing was to see you bonding with Rose. I could see that you too would be inseparable. 2 hours went and everything seemed fine, till your dad grabbed your hand and said that you have to go. I tried to stop him, but it was to late. I could just watch you drive away. After that, I didn't see you. Your dad didn't let me. But that doesn't mean that I didn't miss you. Every day was painful. I began too lose hope, even though I thought of you every single day. Till this happened and now you are here. I still can't believe that I can finally be with my beautiful baby girl. Novs...I really missed you. You have no idea how much I missed you. I hope you understand that nothing of this is your fault. I truly tried. But your dad was stronger. I'm sorry baby.." Scarlett says as she begins to sobe.

"I thought you hated me..." I say. The words just came out of my mouth. I'm just confused. I don't understand. "W-what? How could I hate you? You are my everything Novalie. I have no idea what he has or has not told you, but I have always loved you. You and Rose. You two are my happiness. You make my day better sweetheart" "but dad said that you left. Y-you didn't want me." I say trying not to cry. "What?! He said what?! I never, never wanted to leave you. I never hated you. You was the only thing in the fricking world that I wanted. If I could, I would have killed that man, to just get you back. I could have never done something bad to you or leave you. I love you and will forever do it Novalie. I promise you that" she says irritated. I can see it in her eyes that she is telling truth, but I can't trust her yet. I don't know. I really don't know anymore. The tears begin to fall down. Im not mad at her or sad. I'm just tired. Tired of the lies and life. My whole life has been a lie. I have went through so much. So fricking much and I get to know now that my dad is the mean one. I knew he was bad, like the abuse...but I didn't know it was this bad.

Finally mine//Scarlett Johansson daughterWhere stories live. Discover now