Volume 3 Chapter 6: Heart Plagued With Bloodlust!

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"I'd like to have your special, sir." "Ah, "The Heartmoore?" You have good tastes, my lady. What about you two?" "Just water for me." (Grace) "I'll have the same." (Frank) "Excuse me, sir? I'd love to have a whole bottle of your best red wine. And since you work here, I'll let you pick the best wine that would pair well with my meal." He smirked slightly. "As you wish, I'll be right back." She watched his nice ass saunter away.

The meal arrived and it was the first thing he fed her here but he added an addendum. There was cheesy mashed potatoes with the skin of potatoes still on. She could wait to dig in, the waiter from the beginning returned and poured her a glass of red. At the perfect time just to see her take her first bite. Her joyful smile gave him chills. But then just as he went to say something. He glanced over at the woman in a suit. She was close to his type. And the man next to her had a peculiar look in his eyes. He was staring at Alyssa a certain way, it was familiar. That's when he realized that she was in trouble, he couldn't have her leave with this guy this afternoon. He had to ensure her safety at all costs.

The meal was over and Grace was in the bathroom. Frank was just about to say something to Lucy but then the waiter from before bowed respectfully. "Excuse me, ma'am? I was wondering if you wanted to meet the chef who cooked your food? You have been selected at random." Everyone around their table started to complain to themselves. It seems this wasn't a fluke or an unnatural thing, it happened quite often. "We have to get you back home, Lucy." "First name basis? That's not acceptable in my opinion, how dare he be so close to my girlfriend." Kurono said internally. "Aww come on, Frank. I really want to meet the chef, pretty please!" She pleaded with her voice and begged with her eyes. It set Kurono's blood on fire with jealousy and rage. "Alright, I couldn't possibly say no now." Frank laughed but his eyes told Kurono that he had ulterior motives on his mind. Grace came back only to see them getting up from the table. Frank explained the situation.

The waiter walked into the kitchen full of chefs but the head chef was nowhere to be seen. "Everyone take 5 and tell the customers that we are closing up for the day. I'll close up shop, I'll see you all tomorrow." "Yes, chef!" They all rushed out of the kitchen. They all heard the exits get locked behind them. Frank reached out to grab Lucy but she was yanked into a possessive embrace by the unnamed waiter. He didn't have a tag on his uniform, how didn't Frank not notice. Grace pulled out her gun and shook violently with fear. "You have no idea what you stepped into, do you Frank? And Grace? You told me she was beautiful, but damn. I can't wait to see her bleed." Frank pulled out his gun and demanded the unnamed figure unhand Lucy. He was holding her hostage with a knife pressing up her neck. Lucy began to cry but Alyssa internally was grinning deviously. "You can't possibly fool me, Frank. You are just like me. You want to ruin this girl in my arms. You were planning to break her heart, trust, and hopes for a long life tonight. Or am I wrong?" Frank's eyes twitched. "Don't deny your desires, I once thought about doing the same. But we both follow the rules of the "C.C.A" and this girl is my girlfriend. Which means you aren't allowed to touch her heart even though you really want to. But I can give you a substitute meal for the night, she stands next to you. If you shoot her in the head right now. I'll cook the most delicious meal you've ever tasted in your life." Frank didn't give Grace a chance to speak or react. He shot her in both of her legs. She fell down to the ground and cried out in pain. "I'm not a fan of eating dead bodies. I'll only take a meal that's fresh. I like to pull out their organs as they watch without any drugs in their system. They die feeling my hands in their stomach and chest. The warmth of their blood feels so good up against my skin. But you were testing me, if I was like you or not. You aren't some brat. You are from one of the noble families in C.C.A aren't you?" Lucy looked up at Kurono confused. He looked strangely tense. "You caught me, old man. What can I say? It's a family tradition to keep our stock alive and as fresh as possible. My last name is Tokoyami." The agent was super cocky until he said his last name. He stumbled backwards and leaned up against the locked door. "Awww, what's wrong, Frank? Don't tell me you are afraid of me?" He released his girlfriend and sauntered towards the agent. He kicked away the gun from Grace's reach. And then licked the edge of the chef's knife he was holding.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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