Chapter 6

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BAM!! Second update today!! What what?! Ok sorry :) um yeah ok now read along my lovelies :):)


It was as if someone had punched me in the chest. I lost my breath. It was like I was on top of a mountain and all I could hear were the echoes of Blake's word. 'They have Cassidy, they have Cassidy, they have Cassidy,'. I heard my name being called but I couldnt tell who it was or where there were. For all I knew, they could've been standing right in front of me and screaming in my ears but I wouldn't know. I was shocked. Cass was like a sister to

me, I dont know what I would do if something happened to her.

Aw man! I I feel this shitty, I can't even imagine how Blake feels! Knowing that his mate is out there somewhere with those rogues. I was brought back when I felt a sting on my right cheek. Looking up, I saw Ethan standing right beside me with a sorry look.

"Sorry Hope, I didn't want to hit you but-" I raised my hand, cutting him off.

"It's fine Ethan, thanks." I said in a monotone voice. I looked around and noticed that Blake wasn't there. "Wheres Blake?" I asked, worried of the answer I might get. What if he decided to chase down the rogues alone?

Jesse sighed "After telling us about.. You know... He went up to his room. Poor guy," I nodded more to myself than to him.

" We need to make a plan," I spoke with authority and determination. This was my best friend we were talking about and there was no way we were leaving her there.

"A plan for what?" Hunter asked. I actually had no idea he was still here until now. He was standing so close to me that I could feel the heat that was radiating off his body. My wolf purred at the fact that he was standing so close to us but I just ignored her.

" A plan to go to DisneyWorld!" I said in a fake sweet and cheery voice " What do you think? A plan to save Cassidy!!!" he growled, his Alpha part obviously not liking the way I was talking to him. I growled back. Jerk!

"Guys! Now is not he time!" Jake scolled us which cause me to roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I mumbled walking back to the house, but not before colliding my shoulder against Hunter's. Once I stepped foot inside I was instantly met with a certain 7 year old boy.

"Howpe!" I smiled lightly at the way he pronounced my name.

"Hey little guy!" I tried my best to act happy but the whole Cassidy thing had really gotten me down. Chase didn't seem to notice however.

"Awe the big bad wolves gowne yet?" he asked me with a trembling voice. I nodded my head and picked him up, placing him on my hip. "They sure are," Yeah, gone with Cass. The thought made me want to cry.

"Come on little guy, let's go find your mommy," I said trying to change the subject. As soon as I spoke those words, his little eyes filled up with tears.

"I-I don't have a m-mommy," his lower lip quivered and my heart went out to him.

"How about your daddy?" I asked in a hopeful voice but sadly, he shook his head, tears slowly forming a pattern against his cheeks as they escaped his eyes. I sighed a sad sigh.

"You know Chase, I don't have a mommy or daddy too," he looked up to me and said "Weally?" his voice shaky from crying. I nodded my head in confirmation. He rested his head in the crook of my neck and whispered, "Sowwy Howpe,"

I walked us to mine and Jesse's bedroom , pulled back the covers and lied down on the soft matress, Chase cuddled in my side. As thoughts of my parents and Cass flooded my head, tears started to escape my eyes.

That night, we both silently cried for our loved ones, comforting each other. Who knew a 7 year old could be such a comforting person?


"Hope... Hope..." I felt someone shake me gently, drawing me from my sleep.

"Ugh five more minutes Chase..." I mumbled rolling on my side. A manly chuckle came from the person. Ok either Chase has magically gone through puberty over night or it wasn't Chase that was shaking me.I'm going to go with the latter. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jesse sitting on the floor next to the bed, watching me.

I smirked "You know, it's considered stalker-ish to just stare at people while they sleep," he laughed "Well then I guess I'm stalking my girlfriend," he said a bit too loud.

"Shh! Chase is still sleeping!" I whisper-yelled. Turning my head to look at Chase, he indeed was asleep, snoring softly besides me and holding onto my hand.

"Yeah I was about to ask who was the dude that was sleeping in our bed," I chuckled softly.

"Looks like you have competition Jesse," I warned, winking at him. He gasped dramatically, "Oh no! We can't have that now can we?" he said while pulling me out of bed, causing me to fall on his lap.

"Hmmm maybe I should chose him," I giggled at his reaction. He bent his head down closer to mine ,"Well I guess I'm going to have to change your mind," he whispered before crashing his luscious lips to mine, causing me to bite back a moan. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer to him - if it was possible. His lips travelled down to my neck where he nibbled and sucked on. Just then, I remembered there was a kid on the bed.

"Jesse," I said out of breath, "There's a kid in the room," I said in disappointment. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. "Let's go for a run," he suggested. I looked outside to see That the moon was still out.

"You woke me up in the middle of the night?!" he shurgged and pulled me towards the door. "Come on, you know you wanna go for a run with me," he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips. I sighed in defeat and followed him downstairs and out of the house. We quickly shifted and ran through the woods, the wind carassing our fur. We didn't come back until the crack of dawn.


Jesse is so sweet dontcha think? :) or are you a Hunter fan? If so then do not be alarmed, there will be some Hope/Hunter time in the next chapter ;)



That night, we both

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