Chapter 10

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 *Hope's P.O.V*

“Hey guys!” I chirped as I walked into the silent kitchen. Everybody’s heads snapped in my direction and they looked at me as if I had 3 heads. I shrugged. Guess they weren’t fully awake yet. I scanned the table. Ethan, Jake, Jesse, and Hunter were there. I frowned.

“Where’s Blake?”

Jesse squinted his eyes, “What do you mean ‘Where’s Blake’?” I raised an eyebrow.

“I mean exactly that. Where. Is. Blake?” Jesse was about to reply when Hunter whispered something in his ear, making his eyes go wide. I observed them, squinting my eyes. What did Hunter say to Jesse? Ethan cleared his throat, catching my attention.

“You don’t have to make breakfast today Sis, I made it,” I fake gasped.

“Oh God! And you guys actually eat the food!” Ethan rolled his eyes and scoffed

“Please, my cooking is not that bad,”

“You made beef explode... By turning on the stove!” He blushed at the memory and I laughed. Hunter, Jesse, and Jake joined me soon after.

“Yeah? Well let’s not forget the time where… Um….” I clapped my hands and jumped up and down. Oh dearest brother.

“My cooking is amazing!” I sat down next to him and ruffled his hair, making him pout. I giggled at the sight.

“Don’t worry. We just have to pray that your mate knows how to cook. Oh! Cassidy can teach you! She makes an amazing cheese cake….” I drifted off, noticing that the guys tensed up at the mention of here. I looked at them quizzically but Hunter just shook his head, as if telling me to let it go.

“Um yeah…” Jesse stood up and kissed my forehead telling me that he was going to take a shower. But something told me that that was not the truth..

Jesse’s P.O.V

I walked away from the kitchen, leaving Hope with the rest of the guys.  How could she forget? Did she hit her head on a rock yesterday? These questions fogged my mind as I headed to his room. I knocked on the door but met silence. I sighed. I opened the door slowly and stared at was in front of me. The curtains were closed, giving the room and sombre look. Clothes were scattered on the floor, there was a hole in the wall, and a stench was in the air, making me want to vomit. On the bed was a pile of covers and pillows from which I could see Blake’s hand stick out.

I walked to the side of the bed and started stripping the covers one after another until I could see Blake.

“Blake, man, get up,” He grumbled something and turned around, his back now facing me. I sighed and sat down at the edge of the bed. This reminded me so much of how I was after she… left me…

“Come on. You can’t just stay cooped up in here all day!”

“Go away Jesse,”

“No. Man, get up,” He turned his head and glared at me. That’s when I got a good look at him. He had heavy bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, he was growing a little beard from the lack of shaving and now I knew the stench was coming from him. His eyes were also red, as if he had been crying- which obviously he had been.

“Leave me alone,” he growled at me, his eyes squinting. I passed my hand in my hair sighing.

“Blake we know what you’re going-“

“YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M GOING THROUGH! SO LEAVE!” He shouted, his voice full of rage and anger. For a second, I thought about leaving but immediately went against the idea . I growled at him.

“I know exactly what you’re going through so don’t you dare give me that shit!” his face soften a little when he realised what I was talking about.

“Sorry man.” I nodded. We sat in a comfortable silence, just thinking. Finally, Blake broke the silence.

“Does… does it get easier? The pain, I mean. Right now, I feel as if I can never go on without Cass…” I nodded at the questions.

“The pain never goes away.. But I guess after a while it just… gets numb. It also helped that I found Hope. At first I didn’t want to go on without Carly but I knew she would be mad if I didn’t...” He sighed and nodded in understanding.

“I guess… I just need time, ya know?”  I got up from the bed, told him that I understood but he really needed a shower. Afterwards, I left the room with Carly on my mind. Carly.. my mate who was murdered.


I know it's short! But I promised I would post a chapter today, and its what I did!

Hope you enjoyed it enven though it's short :)

And now we finally know what happened to Jesse's mate! :o


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