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The next morning Jason walks into the kitchen where he finds Nero and Kyrie, he senses some tension in the room but doesn't want to deal with the drama. Nero looks up from the newspaper in his hands and a smile appears on his face as he sees Jason. "Morning", He says as Jason falls onto the chair across from him. "Morning", Jason murmurs. "You look tired", Nero notices as he sees Jason's dark circles. "Don't want to talk about it."

Kyrie starts up the coffee machine as she sees Jason almost fall asleep on the chair.

"Hey, I could use some help repairing the van. Want to help", Nero asks, trying to catch the man's attention. "Whatever." Nero smiles at his response. "Try to eat some breakfast, I'll be in the garage if you want to join." He looks over at Kyrie but his smile fades. Nero proceeds to clear his throat and leave the room, leaving Kyrie and Jason behind.
"So...", Kyrie starts as she fills a mug with the fresh coffee. "Sleep well?" Jason stays quiet and shows no reaction when she puts the mug in front of him. All he does is grab the mug and take a small sip from the bitter liquid inside.
"You know, I've been thinking." Kyrie sits down next to Jason and scoots closer.
"When I said I want my needs met... I meant you." Jason stops moving, not daring to look at the woman next to him.

"You're so handsome and kind to the kids. Jason, I think I-"
"I think you're making a mistake", Jason suddenly says with a groggy voice as he puts the mug back on the table. He finally looks Kyrie into the eyes, his glare making her feel uneasy.
"Whatever feelings you think you have for me are not real. Also, you really want to betray your boyfriend like this?"
"You've seen him! He barely looks at me anymore." Jason raises an eyebrow. "You're blaming him for you wanting to cheat?" Kyrie tries to protest but she can't muster up a sentence.

"You are a disgrace", Jason says. "But..." Kyrie puts her hand on his thigh but he immediately slaps it away. "Unlike you, I have standards." Jason gets up from his seat.
"If your intention is to hurt Nero I will make sure you'll never get the chance." Kyrie gasps.
"Are you... threatening me?" Jason stares down at her with a blank face. "Yes."
Jason puts his hands in his pockets and strolls to the garage. Nero always described Kyrie like an innocent angel. She could never hurt anyone, not even a mosquito. Now she decides to throw him away, just like that. What a waste.

He opens the garage door where he finds Nero's legs peaking out from under the van while loud music plays from a boombox. Without a word Jason walks over to the van and sits down on the ground next to Nero. His presence comforts him. Suddenly Nero rolls out from under the van, his face covered in dirt. "You're here!" A grin forms on the man's face. "Finally awake after that coffee?"
"You could say that." An inner conflict stirs in Jason's mind. Should he tell him?

"I... have a question." Nero turns to face him. "Hypothetically, if my partner would want to cheat on me, would you tell me?" Nero raises an eyebrow. "That's oddly specific."
"I know, I just... want to know." Nero shrugs.
"I suppose. You're a friend after all." Jason's eyes suddenly light up. "A friend?" Nero nods with a smile. "Sure. I guess you could consider us friends." A small smile hushes over Jason's lips.
"I haven't had a friend in a while."
"Glad to be of service then." Jason calms himself. "Do you need help?" Nero looks at the van as he cleans his hands with a towel. "You could pass me the tools." Jason nods.
"Alright, hand me that screwdriver over there and this baby will be up and driving at super speed."

Jason grabs the screwdriver Nero is pointing too. He holds it out for Nero to take and as he does their hands touch. It was a slight brush of contact but it's enough to start up two hearts.

Even though Jason didn't care for love anymore, seeing Nero like this, caring for him and others, it makes him feel all warm inside.
"You okay?" Nero's deep voice rips Jason out of his thoughts. "Yeah", He stutters.
He has to tell him.

"Nero." He rolls out from under the van again. "Yeah?" Jason hesitates. "I need to tell you something." Nero is expecting the worst.
Jason will betray them and destroy the world with Lapis by his side proving Trish right. He can't have that.
"It's about Kyrie." He raises an eyebrow.
"What about her?" He sits up, ready to listen to whatever Jason has to say. Jason clears his throat.
"I think she made a move on me." Nero's eyebrows furrow. "It's okay if you don't believe me-"
"No." They lock eyes. "I believe you." Nero gets up from the ground and lets out a deep sigh.
"That's a lot to take in", He sighs. "That's why your question was so specific."
Jason stays silent, not wanting to rile him up even more. "When was this?" Jason looks up at Nero. "Yesterday." Now it makes sense.

Nero rejected her advances yesterday so she went to Jason. When she came back to their room she was angry and threw her things around. It startled him and they fought, but he wasn't sure what they were fighting about.
A hum leaves his lips as everything falls into place. "And I thought I was the only one to blame", He says as he makes his way over to the door to the house. Inside he stomps towards the kitchen where he finds his seemingly innocent girlfriend finishing up the dishes. "Hey", He starts, catching her attention. "Hey", She says with anger in her tone. "Can we talk about yesterday?" She nods as she puts a freshly washed plate down. "What is it?"

Nervousness rises up in Nero as he faces the woman in front of him. The love of his life, the woman he sacrificed almost everything for.
"Did you attempt to cheat on me?" Kyrie's eyes widen in shock. "Why would you think that."
"Jason told me everything." Kyrie's brows furrow. "Of course he did", She scoffs.
"Did he also tell you that he was lying?"
"Don't lie to me, Kyrie." She scrunches her nose in anger. "Fine then." Nero watches as Kyrie takes off her apron and throws it on the kitchen floor.
"Yes, I like Jason, yes, I wanted to sleep with him to get back at you for ignoring me!" Nero is shocked by her words but tries to keep his composure. "Everything I did I did for us!" A scoff escapes Nero's lips. "Keep telling yourself that. We're over. Get your things and get out!"

Nero walks off, trying to stay unbothered by the screeching woman running after him.

"You can't do this to me! Where will I go, huh! I don't want to live on the street!"
Nero stops in his tracks. "I don't care what happens to you. I'm giving you a chance to leave peacefully." Kyrie releases a scream of anger and then heads for their bedroom, slamming the door shut before grabbing her belongings.

Nero lets out another sigh as tears build up in his eyes. Was it really his fault?

Suddenly he hears footsteps approaching.
"Seems like your angel is actually the devil", Jason says as he leans against the hallway wall. His smirk disappears as he sees Nero's tears.

"Sorry, I... was just trying to lighten the mood."
Nero storms past him and back into the garage.
"Not your strength." Jason follows after him and watches as the strong man in front of him crumbles. "Leave me alone", Nero yells as his right hand transforms into a devilish claw. Jason doesn't move one muscle. "I said get out!" Nero turns around in anger, his eyes glowing in a bright white and blueish color. "I'm staying", Jason says and the glow from Nero's eyes vanishes. "I said-"
"I'm staying." Nero is overcome by a loss for words as Jason steps closer to him. "I'm staying right here", He assures Nero and carefully wraps his arms around his broad body.

Finally the tears that were stuck in Nero's eyes start to flow uncontrollably. This loss he feels, the betrayal, it's too much to bear. He lets himself fall into Jason's embrace and buries his face in the crook of his neck.
They stay there for a while, Jason holding Nero in his arms while he cries.
Suddenly someone barges in. "Nero! I heard what happened-"
Jason turns his head to look at Nico while Nero's grip on his shirt tightens. Nico nods and goes back into the house where she manages to finally kick Kyrie out.
Jason turns his attention back to Nero. Comforting is not one of his strengths, people aren't really his strength all together, but seeing Nero like this gives him a sense of protection. He wants to protect this strange devilish man.
His hand carefully touches his white hair, pulling Nero even further into his embrace.

"Please don't leave me", Nero suddenly whimpers causing Jason's eyes to tear up.
"Promise me you'll stay." Jason swallows the lump in his throat. "I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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