Chapter Eight: Bleeding Love

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So I have 64 votes thanks to all that voted and continue to vote, comment, and fan it means a lot. Sorry this chapter is really short I will make the next one a lot longer promise and it will probably up after I get 5 more votes and 3 comment, ot else I won’t upload.

Chapter Eight: Bleeding Love

So here I was walking down the hallway in peace. I was already late for class. The halls were empty you could hear a pin drop. I thought about ditching class and having time to myself.

I gave myself away too easily to josh, and only so he could break my heart and be even more devastated. I should of thought over the situation before I became too attached. Look at me, there was no way josh would want me. I was ugly and fat, he was perfect. I was probably his charity case. I felt like crying, running away: starting a new life away from all this pain.

This was the first time I was ever ditching class. What was I supposed to do for these 45 minutes? Where was I supposed to go? What if someone caught me? What could happen? I couldn’t risk getting in trouble. I have gotten in enough when josh and I tried to ditch school once to go the movies. The teachers caught us and he got 2 after school detentions, and then there was the punishment from my parents.I finally decided going to class late was better than not going at all. I had chemistry. That was in the science wing. Not that far away. I just had to go past the buys bathroom and turn at the corner.

I was turning at the corner and all of sudden this guy popped out and shoved me into the closet, and pushed me into the wall. (OMG AUTHORS NOTE) It was really dark I couldn’t tell who it was of why he was doing this?

He/She started kissing me hard. It was silent we weren’t saying anything. To say the truth I actually enjoyed it. I was such a perv. I probably just missed joshy so much, I was upset.

Then his hand went under my shirt, That was one area I could never let this stranger touch me. I let go the kissing but he was not going to rape me.

 “Get off me” I screamed as loud as I could and pushed him. He knocked over a mop and a bucket of water. I felt the water pouring all over the floor and spreading. But, that is when I realized this was the janitors closet that had sound proof walls- just my luck.

He replied saying, “Shut up or you will regret it” the he went in his bag and ripped piece of duct tape with his teeth and covered my mouth. I couldn't talk. What was I supposed to do know? I couldn’t let this guy take away my virginity. Hopefully someone would come and save me.

Joshys (POV)

I can’t believe I did that to sherry. What was I thinking? I was a fool. Sher was the best thing that ever happened to me and now I lost her. I don’t know what got into me. I was a player but now I actually loved someone. I just missed my old ways of life. I was never the person to stay committed to a relationship. Hopefully sher could realize and forgive me. When I tried talking to her she gave me the cold shoulder. I went to run after her but I couldn’t risk being late to class again. And the last time I went chasing her it didn’t end that well too. He ignored me for a week. I couldn’t stand losing her and not communication with her. Maybe giving her a few minutes alone could be good for her.

I could anyway see her in class and would have to talk she was my chem partner. There I sat at my lab table waiting for her to arrive. Mrs. Keller talked on and on about the element carbon and how it reacts with other elements. All I could think about was, where was sher? It has been 20 minutes and there was no sign of her. I was worried sick. I never thought she would be that disappointed. Well I did say I would never cheat on her and did. But, it was not like her to be late to class. Something must have gone wrong. It was my job to find out.I had to get out of class somewho. But how?

Hahahahaha a cliff hanger. I have a really good idea where this story is going. I know you guys will love it. The next chapter is pretty long I already started writing and there is a lot of action.

Okay comment, fan, and vote

WHO DO YOU THINK THIS MYSTERY GUY/GIRL IS? It is pretty obvious.  But, what will he do to her? Will josh save her from getting raped?

Again Please




I won’t upload unless I get 5 votes on this chapter and 3 comments. Not that much.

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