Chapter Ten: Forget You

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Sorry it’s so short but I decided to change the plot completely I got a brand new idea and really like it. I am not sure I ever mentioned where they lived but it’s in Tennessee where there a lot of a farm land and empty acres of land okay. But, they live in a pretty populated area but a few miles down in empty.

Sorry for the short chapter I just need a filler chapter to explain some things. The next chapter will be pretty long and will be posted as soon as I get 5 votes and 2 comments or just another fan. I never got 5 votes on the last chapter so you guys should be happy I’m still posting.


Chapter Ten: Forget You (Authors Note all my titles are names of songs that I think relate to the chapter in some way. You should check them out. It’s to much work posting a video I know I’m lazy but here is the artist Cee Lo Green


I looked far into the distance to the pond me and sher would hang out at when we were bored. We would lie down and look at the stars at night and clouds in the morning. We shared so many good memories. Then I caught a glimpse of a girl with those fierce sea foam green eyes. I knew who it was. Sherry. I jostled out of the crowd and ran to meet her. I ran as fast I could. Time stopped as our eyes met.


Sherry POV

I wasn’t ready to forgive him yet and maybe never will. He was my best friend how could he do this to me? First he cheated on me and then he invaded my privacy.

 I was wandering my eyes and I saw the students evacuating the building. I wondered what happened I saw smoke arising but then maybe I was hallucination.  People were probably going to come and search for me soon. Then I spotted josh in the crowd. I think he caught me staring  because in a flash he ran to see me, when I didn’t want to see him. Time stopped as our eyes met.

His hazel green eyes stared into mine I got lost in them. Boy they were gorgeous. I felt like running and tackling him the ground with kisses. But, I couldn’t. I didn’t need another person in my life messing it up. My life was already hell. I couldn’t stand looking at him right now. But I could move my eyes. Some imaginary force attracted me to him.  After 5 minutes I realized I was staring at him continuously. He probably found it awkward. So, I grabbed my bags and ran away to who knows where.

I ran and ran and ran till my school was out of sight, till I didn’t recognize where I was. I was practically in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I could escape to a new place and live happily ever after, There were acres of empty land with no sight of any life. I looked at my rolex it was 8:30. Wow I have been running/walking for for over 5 hours. I probably burned a bunch of calories. I continued walking trying to find someone who could help me. Then I realized I could just call joshy even though I hated him so much.

I felt my pocket and my phone was missing. Where was it. I searched my bag and there was no sign of it. I probably left in in the janitors closet. So, here I was alone stranded on acres of empty lad with no sign of human existence and with no communication to the outside world. What was I to do? I sat on the edge of the road hoping for someone to save me. Wow recently I have been needing a lot of saving. It was getting dark and I was a bit tired. I slowly dozed off to sleep and hopefully I could wake up from his horrible dream I am happening. Maybe I was never almost raped,  joshy never cheated on me, and I was just having a nightmare that felt so real.  

I awoke in the morning by the noises of people fussing over something. My eyes opened but my view was a bit blurred. I yawned and got up and saw two men staring at me whispering saying shes alive. They looked at me as if I were an alien. I had no clue who they were and was a bit scared. But, then I looked at my surroundings. I was inside a little cabin in a bed with another guy near me. Did I mention he was hot. OMG what happened last night I asked myself Where was I?  I tried pinching myself maybe I was still in my dream but nothing happened. I guess my nightmare was run reality.

The silence broke. “Hi my name is John” one guy said in a polite manner. He was cute and muscular, dark haired and had nice light brown eyes. I didn’t respond and after I lost my strain in thought. The other guy said, "hi my name is Elliot" in  British accent. It was so hot. I think I am in love I said to myself. He had dark brown  hair, red soft lips, and blue eyes. He was absolutely perfect. Screw joshy I had 3 hot guys with me. I sounded much like a slut.

I said, " Um? Who are you guys? Why am I here? And What happened last night? I want answers now" i said in a harsh tone. Hopefully I didn’t fool around because there was a guy shirtless in bed with me and I wasn't in my clothes. I am wearing a guys polo shirt with boxers.

 "Oh by the way my name is sherry amd did i ever tell you guys you are hot. " I could tell red arose to my cheeks as I said that, But, it was true. They were the hottest guys I have ever seen hopefully they were nice too.

"I know I am hot" john said.

"Wow conceited much" I replied. The both chuckled.

"Thanks" Elliot said in a sweet boy voice. "Your pretty good looking yourself"

"Thanks I said now tell me why I am here" he said

In unison they said, "Its a long story."





I WANT 5 votes and 2 comments or just one more fan.

I feel like I am being very pushy sorry. You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want but please.

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