Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey Guys!

So, Elsie ( @PartyWriting ) and Sophie ( @LivingfortheWrite04 ) literally begged me to write a hybrid themed story, and here it is... And yeah, it's a mixture of both of their books/series of books. I took Elsie's 2 words title and Sophie's 'A different kind of special' . I, obviously, came up with Irresistibly Different. Yay! Anyway, here's the first chapter. The whole story is originally set 8 months before the Introduction, so everything is leading up to where it started.

Also, dedicated to @Ivh1409 for helping me on who was going to be the hybrids! I was really stuck, and couldn't decide between Niall/Louis and Harry/Zayn :(

- S x

~ * 8 Months Earlier * ~

[Louis' Point of View]

My life was fairly normal before I met Niall James Horan. The boy with blonde-brown hair. the boy who was full of innocence. His cute somewhat crooked smile, shimmering blue eyes... he really was irresistible. Even if he was different, he was still amazing. Irresistibly Different. The two words which described him. The two words which summed him up completely. Before I met him, I was empty.. I mean, sure, I had friends, but since Eleanor left me a few years ago, I was alone. He filled me, and made me complete again. The night I met him, I had decided to go out with my friends; Liam, Harry and Zayn. Liam had just graduated from University with a BA in English Literature, and was currently in training to become a teacher. We went out to have some drinks.


I got drunk on Vodka and Coke, Harry and Zayn had multiple shots, and Liam being Liam, had Diet Cola all night. I flirted with a few guys and girls, but non of them particularly grabbed my attention. No one met my 'expectations', as Harry likes to say. After being in the same club for around 4 hours, I began to get extremely bored, so went to the toilet, told the boys I was leaving and walked out. I was stumbling down the dark street, everything in front of me was blurred and distorted. One of the many bad side effects of being drunk, I guess. I had reached the end of the street, and turned left to go into a long alleyway; a shortcut home. As I was walking down, rustling noises came from behind a pile of rubbish bags. I walked forward slowly to take a look at what was making the noise, my heart was pumping hard against my ribcage. I slowly lifted one of the bags, and there laid behind them, was a boy in a scruffy once-white tee, and grey, grimy shorts. His eyes had shot open, and they'd stared at me hard. All I could remember was those shimmering balls of blue. I had asked him if he was okay, but each time he only grunted in reply. I picked him up, and he growled at me, causing me to look at him in fear, and other things run through my mind. I remember shaking the thoughts away, and carrying him home with me anyway. I remember walking through the door and placing him on the sofa. I remember -

I shot up in bed, wide eyed. I hadn't been asleep, just trying to remember about last night. I'd found a boy; a boy that was homeless; a boy that growled. I stood up and walked across my bedroom slowly, trying to control my breathing. I picked up a random pair of boxers from my drawer and slid them on, before turning to my open door and starting to walk down the stairs slowly. If my memories were right, there should be a -

A boy was laid asleep on the sofa, curled up into a tight ball. I edged my way around the room slowly and quietly, in an attempt to not wake him. An attempt which failed. I reached the other side of the room and went to sit down, but instead only tripped over a random wire and fell onto the floor; flat on my face. The boy quickly moved out of his foetal position on the sofa and stood up, his eyes filled with fear. I slowly stood up and moved towards him, putting my arms up and in front of me to show that I mean the boy no harm.

"Hey, I’m not going to hurt you, kid," I quietly said to the boy. With every step I took towards him, he took a step away. Finally, he reached the wall, and I was available to move towards him, still slowly, yet I was still getting closer. When I was about a metre away, he forced himself right back up against the wall, bared his teeth and snarled at me. Taken by surprise, I took a couple of steps back, and the 'boy' took his opportunity and ran upstairs. I quickly grabbed my phone off the side and rang Liam.

"Liam, I kinda need you here, now... Yeah... Dog boy... He ran upstairs... Mhm... You sure?.. Okay, see you in 5 minutes."

I walked through to the kitchen and flicked the switch on the kettle, getting two mugs and putting teabags in the both of them.


Liam walked through the door as I finished making the cups of tea. I passed him one and we sat down on the sofa, staring at each other, drinking in silence. Liam cleared his throat.

"So, what're we going to do about him?" he asked, putting his mug down and intertwining his fingers.

"If I knew that, I wouldn't have called you to come home at 7:00am, would I Li-Li? Maybe we should call Zayn? He's the experienced ones with hybrids, I mean, he does have Harry?" I said, looking at the stairway in case the dog-boy tried to make an escape.

"Not such a bad idea, Louis," he stated, laughing slightly.

"Hey, I have good ideas sometimes!" I exclaimed, feigning hurt. 

He just took out his phone, laughing, and walked into the kitchen and proceeded to phone Zayn. I sat on the sofa, anxiously waiting his return, whilst watching the stairway carefully, looking to see if the dog-boy appeared. He soon returned, signalling 5 minutes on his left hand, and left to go to the bathroom.

After what felt like eternity, the doorbell rang. I jumped up to open it, but found Liam already stood there talking to Zayn and Harry. I looked over harry, his little cat-ear bumps slightly visible. He was quite adorable to look at. Zayn had found him as a kitten about 3 years ago, hanging around the dumpsters at the back of a major super-store. He’d been scared like the blonde boy, but Zayn taught him and calmed him down on his own, so Liam and I have no clue as to how to handle a hybrid.

Zayn whispered something to Harry, and he nodded and sat down on the soft carpeted floor, cross legged.

Turning to Liam and I, he held up a hand and pressed a single finger to his lips, before spinning on his head and heading upstairs.

All but 5 second later, loud bangs, woofing and growling was easily audible all throughout the house. Liam looked at me, before heading up the stairs. I quickly followed, stopping outside my bedroom door. My mouth opened in a gasp at the sight which I saw inside…

A/N2: Sorry it's short guys, I'm trying to make cupcakes aswell, and do my History Coursework, so it's difficult D: . The following chapters will be longer, I promise!

Irresistibly Different - Nouis/Zarry (Hybrid!) {Permanent Hiatus}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن