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Pov: Techno.


" Come on, let's go home before it gets dark." I said as I looked down at Dream.

I saw Dream pout.

" Noooo, I'm comfy like this!" Dream whined playfully as he snuggled closer.

I chuckled.

How can someone be so cute!?

" Come on, the mobs are going to spawn soon and I don't want you to get hurt." I said in A caring tone.

" Fineeeee! Carry me?" Dream said as he made grabby hands.

I chuckled again.

" Ok." I said as I picked him up, bridal style.

He fell asleep the moment his feet were off the ground.

" Sleep tight." I said as I started walking home.




I made it to my house on the outskirts of the village just before nightfall.

" Phil, I'm home!" I called as I gently laid Dream down on the couch.

" In the kitchen!" I heard him yell.

I walked to the kitchen to see Phil making a cup of tea.

" Hey Phil." I said as I leaned on the doorway.

" Hey Techno, how'd it go?" Phil asked as he turned to face me.

I smiled brightly.

" He said yes Phil, he said yes!!" I said with the look of pure joy in my face.

Philza smiled.

" That's good to hear, mate!" He said as he passed me a cup of tea.

As I was taking a sip, Phil asked.

" So, when do I get grandkids."

I choked and spit out the tea.

" *Coughs* PHIL!!!" I yelled, my face as red as a tomato.

" What, it was an honest question!" He said with a smirk.

I started stuttering.

" W-well, you can't, y-you, I just, don't ask that question!"

Phil started laughing.

" Sorry mate, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!" He said

I sighed

" It's fine Phil." I said as I rubbed my head.

" Well, goodnight Techno, and if you and Dream do end up doing....it, please use protection." Phil said as he walked upstairs, leaving me a blushing mess.

" What the....PHIL!!'" I stuttered as he left.

" Tech, why are you yelling?" I heard Dream say in a sleepy tone.

I go to the living room and cover him with my cape.

" Sorry Dream, I was just...... talking to Phil." I said.

Dream nods sleepily as his eyes start to close.

" Techie, can we cuddle?"

I froze and became a blushing mess again when he called me that.

" Um...s-sure." I said as I laid down on the couch.

He quickly snuggled into my side.

" Night, Techie." Dream said as he fell asleep.

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