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At the SMP.

Pov: Third person.

In the community house.

The members were having a meeting about the disappearance of Techno and Dream.

And if this is good or bad.

" Do we have any leads on where they could be!?" Tubbo said as he paced back and forth at the head of the table.

Sam stood up from his seat, his hands on the table.

" They must've left something, at least Techno! He's the only one that has a house as far as we know." Sam said, a few plumes of toxic fumes coming from his mask.

Everyone in the room turned to look at Tommy.

"What?" Tommy asked in confusion.


"Oh yeah! Then what are we waiting for? let's move it, Fuckers!" Tommy Said as he hopped out of his seat and ran to the door.

Everyone quickly followed.


At Techno's cabin.
                                           Pov: Third person.


Everyone tracked through the snowy tundra as they follow Tommy to where Techno's cabin is.

"How much farther?" Fundy asked, his fur covered in wet melted mud.

Tommy took a quick glance back.

"Not much farther, it should be right around, *(moves a bush)* HERE!!!!" Tommy Said as he ran to Techno's door.

"Hold it, we don't know if Techno is here or not. We have to be careful." Puffy said as she pulls her enchanted sword out.

"Careful is my middle name!" Tommy said in his usual cocky tone.

" Ha! No!" Jack said as he pats Tommy shoulder. " But it was a good try." He said as he walked away.

" Man, fuck All ya!" Tommy said as he pouts.

Everyone rolled their eyes as they walked up to the porch.

Sam reach out for the nob and tried to open the door. Key word "Tried".

" It's......locked!" Sam said as he started looking around for a key.

"Weird. Big T never locks his door." Tommy said as he tried to open the door.

" What kind of person doesn't lock their doors?" Foolish asked?

" Techno. He always leaves it unlocked for Dadza, Mostly because he worries WAY too much sometimes!" Tommy said as he went around back.

" Hold up Tommy." Niki said as she peeks through the window. " I don't think anyone's here." She said, wiping the frost off the window.

Quackity saw this as an opportunity and Kicked the door down.

" What the fuck, Quackity!!" Tubbo said as Quackity steps inside.

" Calm down, it doesn't even look like anyone has been in here for awhile." Quackity said as he ran his fingers across a dusty shelf.

" Wait what?" Tommy said as he

Tommy rushed in to see an empty, and dusty, looking house.

"Where the hell is Big T?!" Tommy said, as he started checking every room in the house.

" Yeah, it's weird. Techno has always been one of those neat freaks, and the fact that there's this much dust on the door handle alone means that he hasn't been here for a while." Tubbo said as he wiped his hands on his shirt.

They continued to look around, not finding much. The only things that are there are Techno's books, old weapons, and a few picture frames that hung from the walls.

" Damn, this looks old!" Sam said as he grabbed one of the pictures from the wall.

Tommy walked over to him and looked at it.

" I don't remember seeing this picture when I visit." He said.

" Because you only come to Techno's house for stuff, you don't really ask about his past either." Tubbo said as he came to look at the picture as well.

The picture was of Techno when he was a kid, he was with a blonde haired boy with emerald green eyes.

" Huh. Never seen Techno smile, unless he was trying to kill us." Sam said.

" Hold up! Technoblade, smiling? I don't believe it." Quackity said as he took the picture from Sam's hands.

He stared at the picture for a bit, his face went from surprised, to confused.

" Huh, I guess.....that's not so bad." Quackity said as he looked at the picture. "But I wonder who this is." He said as he points to the other boy in the picture.

" I'm not sure, but for some reason. I have a weird feeling that I know this person." Tubbo said as he tilts his head slightly with a lost expression on his face.

" Now that you mentioned it, I feel like I know this person too." Sam said. Quackity and Tommy agreeing as well.

"Whatcha looking at?" Jack said as he, Skeppy, Bad, and Niki came over.

" We're looking at an old photo of Techno and another boy, but for some reason, we have this feeling like we know the other boy in the picture." Tommy said.

" Really? Let us see." Skeppy said as he was handed the photo.

They all look at the photo, the same expression of recognition and confusion appeared on his face.

" Holy shit, you're right!" Jack said as he took the picture.

" Language!!" Bad scolded.

Jack rolled his eyes and handed it to Niki next.

" Hmm, Maybe we should ask Sapnap and George. They were on the SMP longer than any of us, they might know." Niki said.


*(I'm getting a bit lazy so, time skip!)*


" Oh, that's Dream." George said as he looked at the picture.

" But why does Techno have a picture of Dream in his house?" Tommy asked.

Everyone just shrugged. Not really sure themselves.

" Well they look like little kids in here, so they probably knew each other for ages. Ask Phil, might know something." Puffy said, as she stood next to Sam.

" I'm pretty sure Phil wouldn't give us an answer anyways. He probably helped Techno and Dream escape in the first place." Quackity said in an irritated tone.

" That's true, but what choice do we have? He's our closest lead to them." Tubbo said, already walking towards the door.

Everyone looked at each other and followed.

" *Groans* Fine! Let's just hurry and get this over with." Quackity said as he stormed after them.

" Alright, Philza here we come."

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