Chapter 1

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I tapped my pencil a few times before finally finishing up the last few answers for my homework I've been aching to finish for the last few hours, I grabbed at my forehead with a headache from hours of doing the work and eyestrain. I get up and stretch my arms and legs to hopefully release some of the tension in my muscles from being so still for so long.

I looked around, everything was so familiar and i knew everything in my room like the back of my hand, the movie and band posters, the dozens of plants scattered across my room. It was my room and i've always found it comforting. Turning off my lamp for my desk and looked outside, it was already dark and the only light source was a soft light yellow glow from outside from the street lights.

I glanced over to my side to check the clock on my nightstand. Fuck it's already 10 pm! I groan for me knowing it's time for my routinely late night run. I grabbed a shirt from my closet and pulling the shirt over my head, feeling the soft cotton fabric glide over me and then grabbing my socks and shoes on.

I look outside as I scope out the area. Tonight was strangely quiet, no barking dogs, no overly loud cars, or police sirens blaring, not even the sounds of my own racing thoughts. I smile then turned to leave my room, opening my door of my bedroom to see my mom on the couch, very intoxicated. She was straddling and making out with a man i have never seen before who also seemed very drunk if he found that woman even remotely attractive.

Me and my mom never really got along since my dad died,she was too overbearing and was on my ass about everything I did even if its small,she always found an excuse to yell at me about something and she know it irritated me.I stared for a moment in surprise then grimace in disgust at the sight before hastily walking to the front door and leaving .

I let out a sigh of relief before tying up my hair that draped barely draped over my shoulders, the soft curls glided over my fingers as i turned it into a loose ponytail then pulling out my phone and putting in earbuds and picking out songs. As i started jogging, I felt the cool summer breeze hit my face. I felt my face get a little flush as I ran more with time.

After 30 minutes I reached the point of when I had to turn around to head back to go home from, I had to take a loop that was my route so I can get home in time. I hit a turn then took a few minutes to catch my breath and check my phone while having a steady walking pace.

Suddenly I hear a loud crash then screaming, I whip my head around to see where the noise came from but was just met with silence except for the soft sound of crickets. I couldn't quite pin point where the noise came from but i knew it was somewhere behind me, i felt unsafe."Hello is anyone there?" I call out curious to the dark to hopefully be met with another person answering back or have some sort of reassurance that it wasn't in my head but no one responds.

I had a overwhelming feeling of dread come over me that I was trying to escape in the first place. Jogging farther than when i was supposed to turn back and the eventually found myself at the beach.The salty breeze lingering in the air and I smile to myself.

Checking behind me to see anything was following me and then lying on the sand just where the grass and sand met. I felt the sand enveloping my body and supporting it, I closed my eyes trying to get rid of the feeling of uneasiness. Suddenly I heard the noises, but not the normal noise of nature but ones that sounded human, I opened my eyes with paranoia and tried finding the source of the noise. Quickly standing up and then looking around again to be aware of my surroundings.

In the distance I see a figures, large figures. I squint to see what it was then see two men with masks staggering ever so closer towards my direction. It struck me that i might be in danger due to my circumstances.Who would be out at this hour?. I turn around and started sprinting, the sand kicks behind me as i run along the coast into the foliage and hid quickly trying to have some sense of safety within it. The men slowly walked past the bush. I hyperventilate heavily and leaned slightly forward more in the dense brush to stabilize myself more from falling over.


I heard loudly, a branch broke beneath me. I was shocked and felt my stomach drop. Tears streamed down my face with the overwhelming amount of stress I was feeling. The men stopped walking and looked at each other. The air grew thick with tension as they'd then looked towards my direction. I covered my mouth to quiet myself from hyperventilating too much from the huge mistake i just did and nervousness. I stared at them from the bush and I felt them stare as if they can see me hiding.Can they see me? there is no possible way they could, why aren't they moving?!My mind started to race with thoughts I couldn't control.

Quickly, I sprint out of the bush.They already noticed me it's no use waiting to be killed. Before I could get very far i felt my foot catch a root and pull me to the ground, my chest and chin slammed against the cold ground, shock filled my body and I laid on the ground for a few moments.Gently, I feel arms around me and picking me up, making sure not to drop me accidentally.

The large man tossed over his shoulder, I whined and tried pushing him off but his grip was too firm to let me go.The smell of the man overwhelmed me as the he was wrapped around me tightly and it smelled as , Citrus?My eyebrows furrowed as I contemplated my choices before his shoulder dug into my abdomen and I let out a soft groan in pain. "Let me go i swear you wont get away with this!" I screamed breathlessly as I clawed at the man holding me, my nails digging into his flesh and leaving scratch marks along his upper back and arms. "Sweetheart, I wont hurt you unless you make me" he said turning his head to look at me, i could barely see his eyes but the glossiness of his eyes through his mask. I kick and scream more in attempts to loosen his grip even slightly so I could escape. "Shut up your such a liar!" I yell as loud as I can while crying.

It was no use, the man that was carrying me was completely unfazed, he didn't flinch but instead he just kept walking. The other man walks behind the other, making eye contact with me and did a little wave to mock me then grabbing my head and squeezing my face before putting a rag that covered my nose and mouth.I inhaled accidentally from needing to breathe from how much i was hyperventilating. My vision smeared together as the more I blinked and my eyes ached as i slowly closed my eyes.

"Shhh it's okay, stop fighting just fall asleep" The man cooed at me while still gripping my face. His voice was honey like, very smooth and talked to me in a sweet tone.When he spoke it almost sounded like he was smiling just by his voice and the manner which he said it. ""I managed to mumble out with the little energy i had left. I couldn't hide the fact that i couldn't take it, I couldn't fight back anymore.

Late night runWhere stories live. Discover now