。⁠*゚⁠+ THE START.

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WENA = Morrocos Favourite 🇲🇦
KIRA = Justine Skye knockoff 🙃
Y/N = The weekend 😰


Morrocos Favourite 🇲🇦 : Do you guys want to go to the new cafe? I heard they have free WiFi 😍...


The weekend 😰:
whore I just woke up, give me a break .

Justine Skye knockoff 🙃:

Morrocos Favourite 🇲🇦:
Damn chilll.


Y/ns pov:

I sighed as I closed my chats and rested my head back onto my pillow and thought for a moment on whether I should go or not, since I haven't been out for a while after filming one piece.

I lifted my body up as I stretched and glanced at the sunlight reflecting against my eyes .

"Kira, always wanting me to do shit .."
I said as I got up and headed to my bathroom as I scratched my back and grabbed my toothbrush.

I put some tooth paste onto my tooth brush and looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth.

I spat out the tooth paste as i headed out of the bathroom and decided maybe not to shower since I showered the night before and it's quite unessacary to do so .

I decided on a basic barcelona nike tech, it was quite simple and comfortable and I didn't have to dress to impress for nobody.

I did some makeup and decided to wait in the lounge for kira to come through with wena , it wasn't going to take that long since they both didn't live that far away from my penthouse.

I was at peace as I listened to my favourite song.. master of none by beach house, it was such a calm song .

I then heard the famous voice of my two best friends.

Kira said as she banged onto my door and awaited me to open the door.

I got up and opened the door as I looked at Kira with a depressed look as wena stood there and began to chuckle whilst Kira looked traumatized.

"Let's just go."
I said as I turned around and locked the door and sighed.

Whilst I was turned around I heard wena shout out..

"gyatdamn y/n."

She said the gyat part a bit loud as I immediately turned around and gave her a rude look kind of as I walked to the elevator .

I yawned as Kira and wena went into the elevator with me as I pressed onto the last floor and headed to Kira's car so we could go.

I hopped into her car and sat in the front to tease wena as a joke making her look like a little kid for revenge of earlier.

I chuckled a bit as I closed the door and put my favourite song on once again, it was a great song but it always seemed like Kira disliked it.

"So where is this place?"
I said as I looked out the window.

"Somewhere near Barcelona's stadium.."
Wena said jumping in from the backseat and smiling.

"Matches with my tracksuit."
I said as I pointed at the barcelona badge on my tech and smiled.

Kira pulled into the the driveway and put my music off, as she then smirked at me.

"We're here!"
She said as we entered into the cafe and noticed the free WiFi sign.

Kira said as she did a silly little dance as me and wena chuckled at her goofiness.

Kira was a sucker for WiFi because she didn't have any at home , she thought it's too expensive and now she doesn't have enough money for WiFi nowadays .

We walked in and as we were about to sit down at a seat a fan came and looked up as their jaw dropped slightly.

The fan said as they turned around and grabbed a pen.

"Sign my back please?"
They asked as i sighed and did it anyway.

they said as they ran off to their friends.

Kira and wena went to sit down as I went to fetch some coffee for us, as I went to the counter and ordered some coffee and a dessert pie for me.

I got the coffee and dessert pie and looked at our drinks, as I felt someone bump into me as I landed on top of them.

I opened my eyes and I look at them, a young boy that looked around my age with dark skin and curly hair .

I gazed at them with a bit of admiration in my eyes as well as he did the same.


Cliff hanger bcuz why not ✌️😘

803 words!

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