Fontaine hcs

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A/N: woah third one today😱 Gods hopefully I do Inazuma and Sumeru at one point

Region hcs:
- Doesn't snow too much, like midwest amount

- Since it doesn't get super cold, they make their own ice skating rinks. Kind of like the huge ones in NYC

- During the summer it's like California, it would be like the south but people aren't crazy there lmao

- They invented Teyvat's version of the Olympics and host it most years because of their terrain and weather (Sumeru holds an elite version, Mondstadt holds winter ones)

- Water sports are a huge deal there, courts and swimming bb

- Since it's based of France, and because canon- they absolutely used to use Gullitines to kill people before the Fortress got made

- I imagine they have something of Hollywood thing going on

- ALSO. All the fucking true crime podcasts/shows come from them

- They made Teyvat's version of Loui Veton (?) [Inazuma has Teyvat's version of Gucci]

- All the food France invented, Fontaine invented Teyvat's version (too lazy to look all them up and list them :p)

- They have the 2nd best colleges in Teyvat, only behind Sumeru

- They've been at war with Mondstadt, during Mondstadt Tyranny period (Like France and Germany fighting during WW2)

- First nation to allow gay marriage and make laws protecting the LGBTQ+

- They have Teyvat's version of the Louvre

- Fontaine's top chefs have collaborated with Inazuma's top chef on multiple occasions and the seafood is always the most noteable


Character hcs:

- Navia is a descendant of Fontainian Royalty (like France's royalty)

- Neuvillette writes in old person cursive, so only Melusines can read it

- Melusines can read his hand writing because he taught them all how to read and write

- When Lynette, Lyney & Freminet were younger they'd hold a secret little party at the orphanage during pride month

- Arlecchino found out, they got scared, but she said she'd help from now on and now it's a huge party (We love supportive parents🫶)

- Clorinde has select mutism, it's especially bad around strangers or when she's nervous

- Wriothesely is partially blind, from fights in the Fortress

- Charlotte always makes sure there's an LGBTQ+ section in the Steambird, especially in June. She does have to fight for it sometimes depending on the superviser but she always wins

- Freminet often volunteers at shelters, nurseries for sea life, and at the Vets

- Clorinde is secretly really good at those aesthetic pages (I can find a picture/video if ppl need)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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