adrien's introduction

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Paris. The cobbled streets were flooded with tourists, eager to capture a scene of the beautiful surroundings.  Every step further through Paris, your feet glided with ease as the atmosphere created a perfect relaxing serenity. The skipping of the kids feet tapped on the cobbled roads, as the calming breeze stroked your face. 

Adrien loved Paris, he was bewildered by it. Spending most of his time watching from a bedroom window made him have a soft spot for nature and the environment. His father was loosening up a bit, he thought, since he now has been going to school for a few months and occasionally gets to meet with his friends.


Growing up the only friend Adrien had had was Chloe. Although, the distance between them was strengthening, and the Chloe he knows now wasn't the Chloe he'd loved so much when he was younger. She was rude.

He thought going to the same school as Chloe would be exciting, and he could even get to know her more. But joining the school only made him see her true colours - how bad of a person she was. Her characteristics were awful. He'd watch as she shouted at his classmates, most of them ended up getting akumatized because of her. Unlike Adrien, Chloe only had one friend called Sabrina. Though, I wouldn't call her a 'friend'.

Sabrina was more like a follower to Chloe. She worshipped her and would just be there to fix Chloe's problems and clean her messes. She was like a shoulder for Chloe to lean on, but not in a soft way. Chloe would use Sabrina and only speak to her when she wanted something. Sometimes Adrien wondered why Sabrina bothered. But nothing like that mattered to him.

Adrien loved his small but perfect friend group. He had 3 friends he was close to, Nino (his best bud), Alya (his best bud's girlfriend), and above all, his favourite friend, Marinette. Adrien admired Marinette. They were really close, and he felt like they seemed to be getting closer everyday.

Their friend group made him happy, they always looked out for each other and included each other. Although, him and Marinette sometimes third wheeled Alya and Nino. But they didn't mind.

Adrien treasured the often times he got to spend with his friends outside of school, like the time they went to the movies, or when Adrien went to Marinette's for a gaming competiton. That was when she gave him the lucky charm. He still carries it with him now, and even for her birthday he made her her own. It was a symbolism of their friendship. 

The other times spent with Marinette that fiddled on his mind was the time Marinette threw a picnic for the whole class, and when he brought her to the wax musesum with him. Why? Because Marinette kissed him. TWICE.

But nothing about her changed. Her personality was the same, which caught him off guard. He stopped caring when she began seeing Luka, and him Kagami. But now they've split up at the exact same time too, he begins to wonder why Luka and Marinette split up.

But other then that his friend group was everything he'd ever dreamed of. They were always there for each other, always making each other laugh and never lied to each other. Well..

There was one thing. Adrien couldn't obviously tell his friend group he was Chat Noir, Paris' hero that was known all over the world. That was the only thing he couldn't tell them, and it hurt. Especially Marinette.

He wanted to tell her the most. From all the times she was nice to him as Chat Noir, like the day Ladybug stood their date up, or the time they worked together to defeat a supervillain. He felt like she was the only one who understood him... somehow? Either way, as soon as Ladybug gave the permission for him to tell someone (which would probably never happen), he would tell Marinette. She was so special to him. He didn't deserve her.

She's such a good friend. 

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