Chapter 8

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"Morning A-xian." Yanli greeted her little sister as she poured her a cup of tea. It had been two days since Wuxian's coming-of-age ceremony, she'd be heading out to eat breakfast with her fiance in a few minutes.

"Good morning to you too Jiejie." Wuxian beamed as she took a sip from her cup. Humming from enjoyment as she nibbled on the snacks laid out.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast with your Lan Wangji?" Yanli asked. She knew her little sister like the back of her hand and from the number of snacks she placed on her plate, she had already forgotten about her breakfast date.

Wuxian gasped as she got on her feet, "Breakfast!! Oh my Goddess I completely forgot! Jiejie help me get ready fast, Lan Zhan must have been waiting all this time!!" Wuxian zoomed out of her chair and straight to her room, dragging her sister along. She hurried around the room to prepare an outfit while Yanli went out to get her water to freshen up, she needed to apply makeup on a clean face, even if she washed it half an hour ago, she needed to do it again just to be sure.  She could go out and meet with her fiance bare-faced, but this is Jiang Ying we're talking about, it's perfection or nothing at all.

A minute more and Wangji would have caught her unprepared, it's a good thing she woke up early today, or else she'd be embarrassed in front of her fiance. Once she was all dolled up and ready to go, Wangji knocked at her front door.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"He's here!!" Wuxian shrieked silently. She took her Fan and Flute and secured them on her waist before heading out.

"Go go go!!" Yanli urged her as Wuxian's handmaidens followed from behind.

"Greetings." Wangji bowed towards Yanli and Wuxian, the duo bowed back in greeting.
He served a curt nod toward his fiancé's handmaidens before holding his hand out to her. The pair did the same, much more respectfully as the man was their lady's betrothed.

Once Wuxian was secured by his side, he sweetly greeted her again, "Morning Jiang Ying." He rasped out.
His voice was alluring as if to entice the young lady. And enticed she was as a blush spread across Wuxian's face. She could not even manage a word out as she opted to bow back to him again. Satisfied with his victory, Wangji led his betroth out of her courtyard.

"What in the hell was that, was that really Lan Wangji?" Yanli asked herself as she was left behind riddled.

"Now I am a firm believer that love really can change a person." Yanli simplified and left it at that. She knew Wangji had already fallen for her little sister and she was very happy this was so. Questioning his approach on the matter was none of her business and she wanted it kept that way.

"Do you have a place in mind that you want to visit?" Wuxian asked Wangji as they walked hand in hand, her handmaidens only a few steps away, minding to give the young couple their privacy.

"I heard there is a famous Inn near the docks... would it be okay to have breakfast there?" Wangji asked.

"It would be great, how did you even know about that place?"
The answer, Wangji did his homework, the restaurant had been opened about a year ago, and coincidentally, it served all her favorite foods and drinks.
And of course, Xichen had a hand in all of this knowledge, otherwise, Wuxian would also plan the couple's breakfast date.
Wangji is a clueless bunny when it comes to romance.

The Inn at the edge of Lotus Pier was a 30-minute walk, so Wuxian's handmaidens arranged for a carriage to take them to their destination. Their young lady had been up almost all night so her health came first. They however went on ahead to book a table for the two so when their young lady reached the restaurant, their table would be ready for them.

Once they reached the restaurant they were immediately taken to their reserved table, A-Ming, and A-Fang, Wuxian's handmaidens did an amazing job booking the best table in the entire Inn, it was situated on the balcony, which had an amazing view of the Lotus Lake, privacy screens and best of all, Wuxian's handmaidens took it upon themselves to be the only ones to serve the couple. This might have had them bribe the Inn workers but Wuxian's safety was more important than any amount they asked for, besides, the Jiang are rich, it's not like it hurt their pockets.

A-Fang, "My lady, went ahead and ordered you and Hanguang Jun's starters, you will be having steamed Wantons in chili broth, and Hanguan Jun will be having egg drop soup with vegetable broth filled with egg ribbons. Is anything not to your liking with the orders?"

"No everything is fine with my order, Lan Zhan?" Wuxian okayed her starter meal.

"The order is appropriate, thank you." Wangji also okayed his starter meal, once that was done, A-Fang excused herself to go and fetch the meal A-Ming stood watch behind the privacy screen.

"You must be wondering how they knew about your preferred taste, well, I noticed you were uncomfortable eating all the spicy food I ordered yesterday so I asked my sisters and they explained to me that most Lan's cannot stomach spicy food as their diet did not include any spices, and also that most of your meals vegetarian so I took that into consideration. I was insensitive yesterday, I apologize." Wuxian shuffled in her seat, she had no idea Wangji's palate was so different from hers, he always ate whatever she ordered or handed him so she could not have guessed.

"There is nothing to apologize for, I insisted on trying out your favorite meals, it could not be helped that all of them were pungent dishes, so thank you for considering my palate and making this breakfast a comfortable experience for us both." Wangji reassured her with a smile, he knew Wuxian would soon find out he could not stomach spicy and sweet dishes but he did not know she'd take it this bad.

Their brunch was enjoyed with light and hearty conversations, Wangji and Wuxian attempting to know each other better.

Turns out the couple were polar opposites. Although Wuxian tried to match Wangji's likes and dislikes, most of the things he liked did not tickle her fancy.
The only thing she truly gave her all, and it was one of Wangji's likes was music cultivation. She always gave it her all from the beginning until now, but she did not like it very much at first. She wanted to have one thing that could bring her and Wangji together so she tried her best and in the process, ended up loving it. 

 After their brunch, the couple went on a boat ride and enjoyed the ever-so-famous view of the Lotus Lake, once that was done, Wangji escorted Wuxian back to her courtyard, he had about a few hours before he and Xichen set for Gusu. It was their duty as heirs to plan the lessons held in their Sect so they could not pass on their responsibilities to someone else. 

After the Twin Jades finished packing, they said their goodbyes to the Jiangs and set off.
Only three months until the lessons started and the Twin Jades had a lot to help prepare.


"Sect Leader Jiang, I think it's about time we discussed Second Maiden Jiang's condition." Wen Fang coerced, "It's only a matter of time until the Young Lady notices, and by then it'll be too late-"

"WEN FANG!!!!!!!!" Jiang Fengmian howled, "I may have given you authority over my daughter's health but do not step out of line. Do your job and fix her, telling her or anyone about her health status is out of the question, we'll find a way, my A-Xian will not die."

"Please just listen to me Sect Leader, Maiden Ying doesn't have a lot of time left, if we leave her as is, she'll only get worse, worse to a point of no return... please I beg you." Wen Fang pleaded.

"My decision is final, I will not worry my family over this matter. I'll even make a deal with the Gods if I have to, my daughter will not die so stop pestering me with this and GET OUT!!!" Fengmian ordered.
With no other choice, Wen Fang left the Sect Leader's office. He knew he could not tell anyone, he swore secrecy and was bound by a magician's contract. Not only could he not defy Jiang Fengmian, but he was also bound to obey his every command.

"Heavens, please hear my prayer, save Jiang Ying, she's too young to die." Wen Fang said a small prayer before he went to bed that night, time was running out for the third heir of the Jiang Sect.

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