The Queen and Senshi's Sex Toy

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Sailor Cosmos had been wandering the galaxy in search of Chaos. The foul being had been her mortal enemy and the source of all the evil she had ever faced. She had to be stopped. However no matter how hard Cosmos looked, her search proved fruitless. But she did not blame herself for that. The creature was wily. Perhaps it knew that she was on the hunt for it. She realized she would have to wait for it to show itself.

That didn't mean that her pursuit was the only concern on her mind. She realized there were ways to pass the time. She went to the Moon Castle, intent on having a little bit of fun with Mamoru. The king had always caught her eye, and she knew that even with him formally married to Neo-Queen Serenity that there was no reason she couldn't have herself a bit of fun. With all the responsibilities she shouldered, she practically owed it to herself to have this little dance with him.

But when she arrived there and asked for him, she found that he was away on diplomatic business. Word of her return and her inquiries did not go unnoticed by a certain other important person here, namely Neo-Queen Serenity herself. The sovereign came out and greeted Sailor Cosmos with a smile. Cosmos smiled back, and for the current moment, there was no question of any lewd activities, just their duties as Sailor Guardians and protectors of the galaxy.

"My husband has been a very busy man," said Serenity. "I don't blame him for it, but well...I hope you'll forgive me for saying this but it does make a woman needy."

"You don't say..." Cosmos said. Serenity was looking as regal as she always did, beautiful enough to capture any man's eye and elegant to make them fall head over heels in love with her too. But right now, she was looking well beyond sexy too. She was wearing a long dress that sparkled as she walked, but it was also transparent, allowing the whole kingdom to get a good look at her naked body underneath, including her breasts and her vagina hidden from a thick bush of blonde pubic hair which was still trimmed to look just so regal. As Serenity had said that, Cosmos noticed her nipples get a little harder. Whatever her previous identity as Usagi had been, Serenity had the perfect look of beauty and majesty.

Though this Sailor Guardian wasn't very modest herself. No stranger to beauty herself, her silver hair was styled in the exact same manner as Usagi's and she was wearing her own Sailor Guardian outfit, which much like all the other sailor soldiers, never left much to the imagination and highlighted bit of her lovely curves. But having searched out Mamoru for one exact purpose, she stepped things up a notch, having arrived not wearing any panties. As her short skirt billowed with every step she took, more than a few people turned heads to get a good look at her and were able to see the underside of her ass cheeks. That went with the territory when it came to these Sailor Guardians, but nobody there would think she was so bold as to be totally naked under there. And with the naughty intentions she had in mind when coming here, her pussy was getting a little wet and that moisture was very slowly beginning to slip down her inner thighs.

Serenity hadn't failed to catch Cosmos looking at her chest. A little bit of her old personality as Usagi shone through and she got a devilish grin on her face. "So what did you want to see my husband for? Because once he's back, you'll have to wait your turn before you get your chance to speak with him. I don't know why you need to see him so urgently, but I have so many needs that need to be fulfilled and I think that need is better than the need of the galaxy."

That little ditty took Cosmos back a bit. Enough sophistication for a royal like Serenity, but still the same immature Usagi underneath. Knowing what she was getting at, Cosmos got a little hot underneath.

"Well my queen, if you must know, my need had nothing to do with the fate of the galaxy and was exactly the same as your need."

"You don't say?" she said, her eyebrow arching with irritation, while smiling as best as she could. "You know that he is my husband."

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