Libraries Can Be Fun

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*Nagito's POV*

It's already been a month since the official start of the semester and me and Hajime have already become quite close. I now consider him to be quite a close friend. We've been discussing our classes, and it turns out that we have a break at the same time. So, all week we've been getting lunch and studying in a small cafe down the street. However, today Hajime suggested we study in the library.

Normally this wouldn't be weird, we started off going to the library before we found our cafe. But today is a weekend, and Hajime is the type to sleep in when he doesn't have anything to do. So, you can imagine why I feel so honored he asked me to keep him company while we studied.

I headed over to the library and looked around. I don't see Hajime, so I found a seat and waited for him to arrive.



'Crap' I'm late. I run through campus; I hope that he's not been waiting too long. I invited him here after all, and on a weekend too. What was I thinking?


I was sitting on my bed and going through an assignment Mr. Naegi had given us when Nagito walked into the room. He smiled and put his bag away. It amazed me how tidy he was. Everything had its proper place, and he always put it there. Meanwhile, I put things wherever they fit. My side had an order, but it always looked like a mess, especially compared to Nagito.

"How were classes?" I asked, as a rephrased yet another sentence on my assignment.

"As good as morning classes can be, when do yours start?" he asked back, sounding tired.

"In about an hour. I still can't believe that you have all morning classes. Afternoon classes are way better." I say, jokingly, "But I have to be leaving in about 45 minutes."

"Morning classes only suck for you because you can't wake up on time to make it to class. Oh, how are your classes going by the way?" He asks, in a teasing manner that makes my face go ever so slightly pink.

"Good, good..." I say absentmindedly, "Hey, um... Nagito. Would you like to go study at the library tomorrow?" I say, why am I so nervous? You guys do this all the time, it's just Nagito. 'Then why am I so scared right now?'

"Are you sure the library is even open tomorrow?" He asks, slightly confused.

"Why wouldn't it be closed?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday, Hajime, but I would be happy to accept your kind offer." He says, with a smile. It lights up his face the way the sun peaks over the mountains at dawn, it's so...pretty.

'But that's just a normal thing for friends to think right?'

"Yeah, I totally forgot it was Saturday, but after we go to the library we can head over to the cafe." I say, I little dazed.

"That sounds lovely." He says, and again that smile. That smile.


*Still Hajime*

Oh yeah, that's how I got here. I slow down to a walk a few steps from the door to the library and catch my breath. I try to make myself look a little more presentable and open the door to the library. I scanned the library and saw a familiar puff of soft white hair. I walk over to Nagito and sit down.

He had his headphones on and doesn't see me sit down in the chair next to him. Or so I think. The second I put my bag down he pulls his headphones down and looks over at me.

"Your late Hajime." he says with a playful smirk. I give him a light shove with one hand. The other pulls out my own laptop and I open it to another new assignment from Professor Naegi. I start to pull up the page when Nagito speaks.

"How do you study without music? I've been meaning to ask you for a few days now." He says, holding one headphone off his ear to hear my response.

"To be honest, I've never tried it." I say, with an awkward smile. "I don't usually bring my headphones or earbuds to class anyway, so if I wanted to, I probably still couldn't.

"Want to try it?" Nagito asks, a serious expression on his face.

"How would that even work?"

"Like this," Nagito pulls a pair of earbuds from his bag and plugs them into his computer. He places the headphones he was using in his bag. He gives on to me and put the other one in his left ear. I likewise put the earbud in my right ear. The wire isn't very long so I move closer so that it's more comfortable for both of us.

We're sitting shoulder to shoulder and as I reach down to grab paper from my bag, I brush against him. Right around then is when Nagito starts the music, it's soft, and the tab that he has open labels it only as "Study Music". I don't mind it, and it's actually a little relaxing. I started to work and so did he.

We sit there, brushing shoulders and stealing glances for who knows how long, but when we leave, the sun starts to dip.

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