(2) Spider Society

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"I really don't get why I'm 'ere araña." Ayla crossed her arms, walking through the dark hallway leading to Miguel's fancy platform thing. (I'm dumb-)

"Because we need you here, pepueña polluela." Miguel responded, not even looking back at her.

"what'd ya call me?" Ayla glared at the back of his head, rolling her eyes and taking her mask off.

"Nothing, moving on." Miguel shook his head before stopping dead in his tracks, an annoyed groan escaping his lips as peter, and his newest addition, Mayday walked off his stage. "Come on now! Don't lie to the kid!" Peter smirked, walking over to Hobie, handing Mayday to him before going to hug Ayla, who attempted to escape with no avail.

"Alrigh' yeah, missed ya too Peter- Could ya stop squeezin' me now, yeah?" Ayla choked out, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, yeah, sorry! It's just been a while since I've seen you at HQ Ayla! You look good! All dark and broody as usual!" Peter smiled, looking over at Hobie, who was being climbed on by Mayday. As Peter went to talk to Miguel, or annoy Miguel, in other words.

Ayla on the other hand, scooted closer to Hobie, smirking at how Mayday climbed his shoulders. "kid loves ya, huh?" Ayla smirked, grabbing the child. "Eh, she knows another anarchist when she see's one. She like's ya too, though hm?" Hobie smirked right back, watching Mayday make adorable faces at Ayla. "Children just like me I guess." Ayla shrugged, setting Mayday on the ground and watching her use her web-shooter to climb on the walls.

"Kid's cute." Ayla smiled, leaning against Hobie with a small giggle.

After a few seconds, Miguel spoke up, his voice loud, that way everyone could hear him. "We have a new anomaly to deal with. His name is The Spot, and he's grown in power since he was spotted this morning. We sent Gwen out, but she's probably going to need some back-up, which is why you and Hobie are here, Ayla."

Miguel turned to look at Hobie and Ayla, a stern yet tired look in his eyes. 'This guy could be a dad.' Ayla thought as another orange portal sparked to life beside him. Ayla huffed before walking past them, running into the portal with Hobie not far behind.

Ayla huffed, plopping onto a metal floor as she looked up, watching the young spiderman attempting to break the forcefield with his fingertips, Gwen and Pav questioning what he was trying to do. What knocked her out of watching, was the sound of Hobie's voice, and guitar, making Ayla smirk when he crashed through the forcefield.

"Hobie!" Gwen shouted happily.
"Hobie, my guy!" Pav's voice was quick to follow Gwen's, equally excited if not more.
"Hobie???" Miles questioned, looking at Hobie as he did his secret little handshake with Pav. "Man like Pav, big steppa aye! Ya feel me?" Hobie shouted happily, hugging Pav.
Ayla joined in on the hug, giving her own little secret handshake to Pav.

"What's this dude saying?" Miles questioned, raising an eyebrow under his mask.

"It's English for we get along great and are very close friends!" Pav responded looking at Ayla excitedly. Hobie looked back at Gwen before speaking. "is this the other one from 1610?" Hobie pointed at Miles.

"Do you understand this guy?" Miles looked at Gwen, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey Hobie! Thanks for breaking the shield!" Pav exclaimed going after Spot now, Ayla right next to him.

"I loosened it." Miles piqued up.
"Who's she?" Miles mumbled, pointing at Ayla before looking at Hobie who was now in front of him.

"Bit of advice: use the palms, not just your fingers." Hobie advised showing Miles his hands.
"Aye, 'ave ya all forgotten we're tryin' to capture this guy?" Ayla spoke up, attempting to attack again, failing as she was sent into a hole, dumped a little ways from the fight.
"What's up with his suit? Is he bleedin' from his armpits?" Hobie questioned before moving to attack as well.
"Miles, Hobie, Hobie, Miles." Gwen introduced, doing hand gestures, slowly swinging from the roof around them. "Right, and Ayla." Gwen gestured to Ayla as she dumped from yet another hole. "Sup."
Ayla mumbled, quickly getting back up.
"Hi, never heard of you because Gwen barely ever mentioned you." Miles responded sarcastically, gesturing to Hobie. "Actually she doesn't talk about you, like at all." Miles looked at Ayla. "Wot? Gwen ya don't talk about me?" Ayla faked a hurt voice, getting hit by a hole yet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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