Success is 1% plan and 99% action.

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kinda hype to post this chapter but also dreading it because I'm slowly running out of chapters lmao. i haven't written anything in the big fic since early December :') there's a total of 12 chapters left and once they're all out it's 100% possible this fic will go on hiatus

"Now what?" Aiden asks, looking up at Scott for direction. Stiles thinks it's probably weird, not to have an adult alpha anymore.

"Now we go home. Unless someone else has something they need to talk about, we meet again at school tomorrow." he says.

"Yeah, I think we're good." Stiles sighs, stepping out from behind Allison and away from his dad, trying to pretend like nothing happened just seconds ago. "I'll be in school tomorrow, probably."

Scott nods, and then he stretches his shoulders and grabs his bag off the ground beside him, "Let's go, then."

Stiles watches everybody grab their things, finding it awkward that they all came out to his house, talked for twenty minutes, and then left. What a waste of gas, in his opinion. They could've texted for that. Maybe it's just because Scott isn't very good at being an alpha yet, especially not in the term of pack meetings.

He doesn't know if Derek had pack meetings before, but maybe he was apart of some with his family that give him expierence for Scott to lean on. He would've been better to lead this. Scott isn't a very good leader, especially not in terms of getting a group together and talking like an important speaker. Next time, Stiles and him should plan it out and work together to make it feel more... professional.

Allison and Chris are the last ones, everybody else having filed out one by one or in small groups. He heard Kira ask to get a ride with someone, and Derek nod to her, so hopefully she gets home safely. He didn't know she didn't have her license, but he supposes she was living in New York and he's heard stories of not really needing one because it's faster to walk. Maybe she planned to get it at 18 or something like that.

"So... my dad knows." Allison winces when an orange spark pops off of Stiles. He's probably gonna have to explain that now, huh? "I didn't tell him!"

"How does he know then?"

"I am a professional hunter, Stiles, in case you've forgotten." Chris drawls, standing from the couch with a grunt and the cracking of joints.

"Yeah, of werewolves."

"We are the family with the grimoire..." Allison points out.

Chris nods, "We hunt those that hunt us. Or, now," his stoic face moves into more of something sad, "We protect those that can't protect themselves. That includes more than just werewolves."

"Got it. Okay, well, again, not evil." he reiterates, because if there's anybody who's going to kill him and Void it'll be Chris. Void makes a long, loud growl-y groan sound that sounds straight out of a horror movie.

"The Hunting Widow will not tell, but The Hunting Widow does not like us." it growls, nails digging into his shoulder. "We do not like this."

He bites his tongue to keep from responding, clenching his fists and feeling what feels like pop rocks inside his hand, "It hasn't done anything bad to us or him yet." Noah nods, eyeing Stiles from the side, "So for now, we don't do anything about it. We need to find out what's actually killing people, and how to stop it."

"What about Noshiko?"

"She's... something, for sure, but Void can kill her oni." Stiles offers, shifting his weight and shaking hot sparks off his hands, "Do you want the whole story of why she's after us, or–?"

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