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Elsie Pov

The stone walls of the medieval academy seemed to close in around me as I made my way to Heine's room, each step echoing softly in the quiet corridors. The flickering light cast dancing shadows, creating an ambiance of both mystery and familiarity that defined the medieval surroundings. The door before me, a portal to potential revelations, held a weight that transcended its wooden frame.

There was something wrong with Heine, ever since Y/n and I became a couple. She distanced herself from us, only Juliet was the one still talking with Y/n and I.

My gentle knock met with a muffled response as the door creaked open, revealing Heine engrossed in her studies. The medieval scene unfolded with an air of routine, but beneath it, a subtle undercurrent of unease lurked. Her parchment spread out before her, Heine seemed lost in thought.

"Heine," I called softly, my voice carrying a mix of concern and curiosity. The medieval air hung still for a moment as she looked up, weariness etched in her gaze.

"Elsie," Heine replied, her eyes lingering on the parchment before she set her quill aside. The medieval ambiance seemed to shift, carrying an unspoken weight that piqued my curiosity.

"Is everything alright?" I inquired, my concern evident on my concerned expression. Our shared camaraderie had weathered many challenges, and I felt attuned to the subtle shifts in Heine's demeanor. I quickly noticed the bags under her eyes.

A faint smile played on Heine's lips, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Just caught in the currents of thought," she confessed, her silent words carrying a sense of introspection. "The ebb and flow of these studies can be overwhelming at times." I knew she was lying it was so obvious and she still tries to stay strong.

Understanding washed over me, my heart resonating with the unspoken struggles that often accompanied the pursuit of knowledge. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across Heine's face, adding an air of mystique to our conversation.

"If there's anything on your mind, Heine, you know you can share it with me," I offered, my calm voice conveying warmth that reached beyond the stone walls of the academy. "We're companions on this strange journey, after all."

Our eyes met in silent understanding, the camaraderie we shared holding the promise of support and companionship amidst the challenges within the hallowed halls of the academy.

The medieval room felt stifling as Heine's quiet admission hung heavily in the air. Tears welled up in her eyes, and the flickering torchlight cast shadows that mirrored the turmoil within her. It was as if the medieval walls themselves were closing in on the revelation.

"Elsie," Heine's voice quivered, breaking the silence that had settled between us. "I feel broken. Seeing you and Y/n becoming one, it - it hurts."

Her words hit me like a blow, and a lump formed in my throat. The medieval ambiance seemed to intensify, each flicker of the torches casting a somber glow on the rawness of Heine's emotions.

"I... I loved Y/n," Heine continued, her medieval words carrying the weight of heartache. "And now, seeing you both, it feels like I've lost a part of myself. I don't know what to do."

The vulnerability in Heine's confession tore at something deep within me. The camaraderie we shared, built on trust and shared experiences within the medieval academy, now faced an unexpected test. I stood there, grappling with the complex emotions that threatened to fracture the bonds we had formed.

In that moment, the dorms surroundings became a silent witness to our inner turmoil. Heine's tears seemed to dance in tandem with the flickering torchlight, casting shadows on the camaraderie that had once felt unbreakable. The path forward was uncertain, and the weight of unspoken emotions lay heavy within the medieval walls.

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