Mind games - introduction

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this is not a f1 fan fic it has mentions of f1 stuff

there mught be a bit of smut i am not sure yet

and it might be a series but it depends on how well this one does

the main charaters :

charlie harper - bi, loves f1, mclaren fan, always wanted to see the sinapore grand prix, book worm, always has a book with her, brunette hair, blue eyes

willow - charlie's girlfriend, hates reading, blonde, green eyes, looks like a model, always on her phone

lucas harper - charlie's brother, one of the popular guys, plays football, brunette hair, brown eyes, very overprotective of charlie

ollie woolf - always hanging around with the popular guys but nothing like them, looks like alex volkov (twised love fine if you havent read it), secretly reads alot, no one knows the real ollie, lucas' best friend

other characters:

jules - charlie's best friend

micheal - jules' boyfriend

max - shy geek

hope you guys enjoy

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