mind games - charlie

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"my mum said i can stay over" i turn back to willow and she runs and puts her arms around my neck in an amazing hug then she kisses my with more passion than she ever has before its like neither of us want to break the kiss until the door gets opened

we both turn to see willows brother jason his blonde hair in a middle part and i would be lying if i said i didnt find him attractive but i have never liked him like that he is more like a brother than anything else i have known him for about three years for as long as i have known willow and he figured out that we were going to be together before we liked eachother

"hey jace" i say way more casual than i feel i have always called him jace to the point that it is weird if i call him anything else

"hi charles" he calls me that because of charles leclerc but i have never cared

i walk up to him and give him a hug "i havent seen you for ages"

"yeah its been a while" he says as we break the hug "so why are you here not that i am not happy to see you but i am guessing that you are not here to hang out with your girlfriend"

"we actually have a project that we need to do" i swiching between willow and jason "it will determine weather we get to go to singapore of not so its pretty important"

"right because of your dad"

"yeah and i am staying over tonight so you will have to dael with me in the morning" i know he is not a morning so it is pretty much his worst nightmare

"its fine its not the worst thing anyway i am going to leave you two to it and call me if you need anything"

"will do bye jace"

jason goes up to his room and calls his mates

"that was interesting" i say putting my arms around willow again

"yeah but imagine if that was my mother"

"oh god i wound not be able to stay the night that is for sure"

"lets get on with the project"

we start doing what we need to do then willows mum comes in

"hey girls"

"hi mrs dean" i say like i was not just kissing her daughter

"please call me mia" she says back

"ok" i feel like i am part of this family

"hi mum" willow gets up and hugs her mum

"so how was you day girls"

"it was good" willow replies

"yeah it was fine"

"good to hear now what do you want for dinner" i look at willow and we both know what the other one is going to say

"pizza" we say at the same time

"jason do you want pizza" mia shouts up the stairs

jason comes running down the stairs "did i hear pizza"

"yeah do you want it for dinner" willow says to her brother

"hell yes" mia looks at him like he needs to behave

"jason what did i tell you about when we have company" mia tells him

"mia honestly its fine jace has always been like this you get used to it after three years"

"if you insist well you kids can pick a movie to watch while i order pizza" she is so nice i wish my mum was like that

we all sit down on the sofa with my head leaning on willows lap just like we were back at the tree and my legs over jasons god i wish this was my family

"jace are you sure you dont mind"

"i am sure you know your like my sister i dont care"

i reach down into my bag and grab my book out i open it to alex taking a work call whilst litrally inside of ava (if you have read the book you will know what i am talking about)

"what are you reading" jason reaches for my book takes one look at the words and hands it back to me "i actually dont want to know"

"its called twisted love its actually really good"

"and how do you explain the scene that i just read" he looks discusted by it and honestly i dont blame him

"thats a long story to be honest"

willow is scrolling through movie options whilst fiddling with my hair this is the only place in the world where i can truly be myself

"how about love at first sight"


while theys two argue i must have read about ten pages before saying "divergent"

"yeah acually not bad charles"

"speaking of charles i have something to ask you" i have been meaning to ask since he came in the door


"so you know how you are like my brother"

"where is this going"

"younger sisters steal their brothers clothes all the time"

"what do you want"

"you f1 shirt to sleep in tonight please" i know he has one i have seen him wear it like a thousand times i also always watch f1 with him as my family doesnt care about it after my dad and he is a charles leclerc fan hence the nickname but i dont know if he is just going to give it to me

he thinks fo a moment "yeah sure its too small anyway so you can keep it if you want"

"thank you jace"

"yeah no problem charles"

willow is scrolling through her phone and its times like theys where she is not paying attention to anything or anyone that make me question why we are together in the first place

we watch divergent and mia gets back with the pizza then we get changed before we stay up for a bit just me willow and jason

"so i have an idea" jason says

"oh no what is it jace" i am kinda scared actually

"nothing bad i promise" i thinks for a moment "21 questions"

for the first time willow looks up from her phone

"sure sounds fun i will start 1,2,3" -willow

"4,5" - jason

"6,7,8" - charlie

"9,10" - willow

"11,12,13" - jason

"14,15" - charlie

"16,17,18" - willow

"19" - jason he did that on propose so that i didnt have to answer a question

"20" - charlie

"ugh 21" - willow

"so willow what was you favorite teddy growing up" jason asked though i think he already knows the answer

"a little lion called lion" willow replied looking at me

"thats so cute" i say back

we continute to play 21 questions until we all get tried and go to bed


what did you guys think of jason and his relationship with charlie

mind gamesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt