mind games - charlie

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"this project will determine if you go to singapore of not" my media teacher called out "this will be a great opportunity as you will be able to take photos in a beautiful city that you can then use for your final project this year"

i really want to go it is my top place to visit because it is such a beautiful place and because the singapore grand prix is held there at the same time as we are due to go

the singapore gp was the first race i ever watched with my dad and it was the first carlando 1 - 2 podium it was the race that made me fall in love with f1

"charlie" my teacher called out again "you will be paired with willow for this project"

willow my girlfriend she it amazing and so pretty but no one knows we are dating because people would give her so much shit for not only being gay but for dating me

willow comes up to me and sits down in the free seat beside me "hey there"

"hey willow" i am trying to hold back my blush as she holds my hand under the table

"so how about you come over to mine and we do the project there" she has the smile on her face that she always has but this time it seems different

"yeah ok i will see you there unless..." i stop my self before i say something i might regret "never mind forget it"

"what is it charlie" she is curious and i can tell

"unless i walk home with you but you won't want to do that because people will see" most people in the year know that i am bi and that willow and i are friends so there is already speculation that we are dating "you know what just forget i said anything"

"that sounds really nice" she has her hand on my slightly shaking leg as she leans into my ear and wispers "meet me by our tree after maths"

"ok" we turn away from eachother and start writing down what we have to do for the project as we were instructed by our teacher to do

the bell then rung for lunch and i waited for my best friend jules i spot her brunette hair with red highlights and we start to walk to lunch

"so what is up with you and willow" she says so casually

shit i forgot that she doesn't know i don't really want to tell ger just yet but if i don't she will know that i am lying

"we are paired together for the project" i am not lying just avoiding
the question

"yeah i know that part but i mean what is going on with you two" i might have to tell her

i look around to make sure that no one is around to hear "so willow and i are kinda sorta dating"

jules looks kinda shocked but kinda ok with it "willow is gay" she needs to be a bit quiter as willow is one of the most popular in our year

"yes she is but no one can know" i would trust her with my life if it came down to it but i dont know if i can trust her with this

"relax i won't tell anyone i promise" i know i can trust her "so how long have you guys been together"

"since the new year" we are now in september so that is about six months ago

"wait what" her eyes are wider than usual now "well i am happy for you i guess"

"can we get lunch now please" i am so hungry

"yes we can" jules and i walked to the lunch line while she asked me a bunch of questions about willow

when we got there i saw willow standing at the back of the line and jules draged me to go speak to her

i joined the back of the line as jules' boyfriend joined us and wrapped his arm around her shoulders like i wish i could with willow now the thing is that with our school you have to be in pairs to get into the canteen where you get your food and willow didn't have a pair and i was going to go with jules until her boyfriend showed up

"go in a pair with her" jules wispered to me indecating to willow

"ugh fine" i slowly step towards willow as the line keeps pushing behind me "hey willow i can see that you dont have a partner and jules is going with micheal so..."

she cut me off before i could finish speaking "yeah sure i will be your partner i mean i know you have to eat so"

"ok cool" willow and i are talking about how are days have been and laughing and when we get to the front of the line i get a peice of pizza and pay for it

then i wait for jules and micheal to get there food

"here" willow came up behind me and handed me a cookie "it was cheaper to buy it than to not"

i split it in half "alteast have half" i had her the smaller half

"fine" she breaks a bit off and eats it

"what are you two doing" jules crept up behind us

"nothing just sharing a cookie" i eat a bit of it

"can i have some" michael reaches for my bit of the cookie

i smack his hand away "my cookie"

"fine no need to be so agressive" micheal replied though i knew i didnt hurt him

"willow we are going to the field do you want to join us" jules asked willow as me and micheal are still bickering like we do everyday

"yeah sure" she replies

"wait what is going on" i am not paying any attention until i hear willows voice

"i was just saying that we are going to the field and if willow wanted to join us

"oh ok yeah sure come along" we all start to go to the field as i say that


this is my first non f1 book and i would aprisiate any feedback

and uif you want a certian thing to happen i can try and make it

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