Dear Love,

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Walking in the winter's cold breeze I rubbed my hands making my besotted heart feel the warmth. A guy held his girl's hand underneath his sweater and for a moment I wondered what it must feel like to be loved?

As I walked away from them with my heart feeling heavy, I saw another couple might be in their 50s, holding hands leading each other crossing the road and  I wondered what forever would feel like?

When I stopped by the cafe, I saw a boy with his laptop on, video calling someone, I assume his girlfriend. They held their coffee cups and tossed it across the cam I wonder what it must feel like to feel the longing for someone?

As I went back home I took my dairy out, feeling something indescribable in my chest as I poured my words our for that certain someone.

                          . _________ .

Dear love,
Well you haven't arrived in my life yet and as pissed as I am that you haven't barged into my life spelling the light of love in my darkness I'm also scared that you might not exist, I hope you do and you come to me sooner.

Dear love,
Watching people post their romantic partners makes me feel super lonely and I really wish you were here besides me to laugh at the cringe couple videos that I would ask you to enact later on. Ps. Be ready to click tons of pictures and get showered with my clingyness cuz even thou I haven't met you yet, I already miss you.

Dear love,
Reading books has given my thundering heart a bit relaxation as I read about romance, but when the MMC caresses the FMC I wonder you would do the same after our long session. I hope you're a cuddler and I get to hold you all night, also be aware I kick in my sleep but you deserve it for being this late coming into my life.

Dear love,
With all the eagerness and desire, I really really wish you were here to tell me that it's all going to be fine with you by my side and I swear I'm trying to hold myself in place but I just wonder what it would be like when you hold me tight in your arms. I'm 'i can do it myself ' sort of a girl but at times  I really do wonder what it would be like to have you as 'i know you can do it but let me help you a bit' kind of man.

Dear love,
I hope you aren't promising someone else forever when I'm here planning to name our kids, I know I can't expect you to be single for life but can you not fall in love with someone other than me? I promise I had a mere crush for 9 years and that it, ever since I've been manifesting you so you better don't break my heart having your ex as you bestie by your side when I marry you.

Dear love,
Apart from all the funny shit, I really hope you're taking care of yourself. I don't want anything bothering you, no matter how long it takes im willing to wait but whenever you come please let me love you the way I want to. I swear I'll make the wait worth it and kiss your forehead to tell you, you mean world to me.

                         . _________ .

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